Allow me introduce myself

Greetings everyone!

I don't feel comfortable in revealing my real name over the internet until I really get to know and trust someone. But I orginally found this forum whilst searching for job interview advice and ended up checking out many of the great threads that are on here. It seems like a friendly community which is why I decided to join. Slight smile

Anyway, at the age of (I think) 5, I was diagnosed with Semantic Pragmatic Disorder. Whilst it has mellowed a lot as I have gotten older, I do occasionally still have difficulty with verbal comprehension particularly with following instructions and staying on track with long conversations. My reading comprehension is fine though, and I therefore prefer to have instructions that are written down. However, when I was at school, reading comprehension is something which I greatly struggled with and I hated English lessons for that reason. 

Whilst from time to time, my SPD can be a little frustrating, I generally don't dwell on it as I realise that every human being on the planet has their imperfections and that I have many positives in other areas. And so do you. Slight smile

  • I feel relieved too meeting you all, I'm also relieved I'm not getting beaten down by telling you all. Usually people tell me to grow up or tell me I'm being a drama queen, or they just don't believe me. I'm so happy I came on here and have met people that actually understand  and know these struggles are real. 

  • I relate to this. Huge anxiety with the dentist and with answering the phone. It’s such a relief to meet other people on here who also struggle like this. 

  • Oh I struggle with my teeth too. I went to the dentist because I thought my teeth must be rotting but nope he said everything is fine and it might be due to me clenching my teeth together which I do when I go out because of anxiety. I don't know I'm even doing it alot of the time. I was meant to be getting fitted for a gum shield but the pandemic happened so that got put on hold however when they rang ( I didn't answer because I can't bare phonecalls) they left a voicemail but anxiety made me ignore so I'm probably struck off now. If my bravery flow gets disrupted I can't start again. 

  • I'm so sorry to hear that. That must be annoying for you! I have sensory issues but luckily not in that department. My sensory issue is with pain, I feel pain all over for like no reason. Especially bad with my teeth which sometimes stops me from brushing so I have to use mouth wash instead.

  • I like other peoples dogs but I could never own one as they play havoc with my sensory issues. I get so mad that these issues stand in the way of so much.

  • Hii welcome to the community!

    I like cats as well but I also love dogs :) 

  • Hello Catlady

    I believe I was a cat in a previous life, my first 7 years I spent in my granpa's house and he had over 20 cats, including one over 30 years old that everyone was calling father of all cats in the village lol

    I have similar issue with understanding verbal instructions, though it's part of a bigger problem, one I started to call Speech Recognition Impediment, since I have no idea what it is actually. Unless it's quite with no other noises overlapping and they talk in front of me I would get one word out of ten and most of ther time I am just guessing what they said

  • I am sorry for your loss Rach,

    Wishing you well,


  • They are lovely animals. Blush

  • Hi Cstlady91 got two lovely cats myself

  • Thankyou, yes my husband and children are supportive. I'll be OK. 

  • I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty. It can take a while to overcome. I can remember what it was like when my Chloe died back in 2005; I still think of her every day all these years later. Thankfully, I did have my parents to support me. Hopefully, you are getting support also.

    Hope you have a good night!

  • Yes, I am UK based. 

    I am sure there will be many opportunities for us to chat again. Well done on being sober for as long as you have. 

    Have a good night!

  • Hi and welcome. 

    The topic of cats right now is a little raw, ours died last week. I'm not dealing with it very well. I haven't cleaned the house since he was alive ( as in hoover and dust) I feel like I'm cleaning him away....anyway I need to snap out of it soon otherwise the dustmites will eat us all haha. Sorry ignore me, I had to just type it and get it out there because of the looping thoughts that are driving me mad.

  • Thanks,

    I think I got the gist of it. I probably need to read more to know that I am correct. I usually need to read a LOT more to be sure I have understood.

    Thanks again.

    Hey I'm sorry I just saw you said 'Good evening' so for me to say have a good evening (if that's what I said - memory issues from having been a boozer (7 years sober) was appropriate.



  • Oops! Have a lovely evening regardless! I meant that it might not be the evening where you are!



    Jimberry and the Couscous Channel

  • Thanks CatLady91. 

    Will do!

    My cat Ozzy and I had the closest relationship I have ever known. He was someone quite special. I hope I get a chance to chat to you again. You've sent me off to read however!

    I haven't had my fix of education today but I hope to hear from you again. 

    Thanks again,

    Have a lovely evening, assuming you are UK based,


    Jimberry and the Couscous Channel

  • Good evening!

    I am a great fan of cats and I generally feel more comfortable being in the company of them than I do with large groups of people. I am sorry to hear about your late kitty. I know all too well how it feels to lose a beloved pet.

    SPD isn't really regarded as being on the spectrum by the 'experts', but it does have traits which are in common with autism. Processing language and using language appropiately is the main one, as well as dealing with social situations. You can read more about it here:

  • Welcome CatLady91!

    I am hoping very much you are a fan of cats! I miss my late cat and I would like to see some cats!

    All the best to you, I hope you enjoy your time here. I am not long a member myself,

    I am also interested to hear more about semantic pragmatic disorder,



    Jimberry and the Couscous Channel