
I would like to know your opinions concerning the logo for Autism.

Until recently I didn’t know about the group “Autism Speaks” who still use the blue puzzle piece as a logo for Autism, I read up on it and I found the history disturbing and upsetting.

I read that the colour blue is stereotypical to claim only males are autistic or more autistic than females, and more. Some accounts I’ve read prefer the puzzle piece if a new meaning to it is accepted, like meaning we all have a place in the full picture unified instead of meaning we’re incomplete as so many use to believe. I saw others who condemn the puzzle piece and prefer other logos like the rainbow infinity sign for neurodiversity.

 I found it so upsetting that this “Autism Speaks” preaches a false and stereotypical perception of Autism to the public, and claims autistic people are a burden to society, a disease, and even a tragedy. I read the two founders of this group are neurotypical grandparents with an autistic grandson and want a cure and ABA as it use to be, I can’t believe anyone alive today would want to do to autistic people what Ole Ivar Lovaas intended to do after all the mental issues we’ve witnessed masking causes.

  • First thought on seeing the title was the Greek for 'The Word' in Christian theology - "In the beginning was The Word ..." I definitely have odd thought processes.

  • Exactly what I thought. Then again I am a Theologian. Grinning

  • Did it take you 2 years to have the same thought as Martin or have you only just read the comment?

    Do you like painting, your icon is very colourful.  I don't enjoy painting, but marbles can be fun don't you think?

  • Lol that's a good description! I don't know much about cars. My mind is more of an old computer held together with tape but it's still got life and is continuously processing data. I'm a thinker, constantly thinking, processing and computing everything. I find my mind both interesting and frightening.

    No, I don't work unfortunately. The gap was because after finishing posts here and writing Whatsapp messages I got really tired as I get these waves of fatigue and I need to rest and get some sleep, if I can. I spend most of my time in bed during the daytime. I'm constantly tired and when I do things the tiredness hits fast and I need recovery time before I do anything else, and that does include doing small things like online forums.

    I'm feeling more awake and refreshed again now. It's an endless battle against...myself. You can ask me anything you like. My life is an open book for all to ingest.

    I like bubbles. I can remember when I was very little my mum got me this bubble blowing bottle and I used to blow the bubbles and just be amazed at how they either popped or would last for what felt like forever! Sometimes I stood and watched. Other times I would chase them like a dog does a stick. I'm not a big bubble bath fan though... I prefer plain and quick baths as I don't like my skin or hair getting wet. I've always been like that though. My mum said I was fussy, to me though it's more a sensory thing.

    See you later, Number :) 

  • It is hard to derail something that isn't (ever) properly on the tracks.  Welcome to my world...I'm more of an all-terrain mind - big tyres and sturdy suspension....but the engine light is always on and I leak CHF.

    Are you at work at the moment?  I notice that you appear and disappear with some degree of predictable regularity following each of our exchanges?  None of my business obviously, so no need to disclose anything about your daily programming that you would prefer not to mention.

    Me on the other hand, well I'm like an open, clear and transparent book in large format print.  Accordingly, I am happy to report that ....I'm off for a bubble bath now.  Hard to resist those remarkably thin membranes that separate the inner air of a bubble from the surrounding air all around it.  They are fragile though.....bubbles.

    So - splish, splash, I'll be having a bath.  See you on the flip side Swifty.

  • I thought I would suggest it anyway just in case because a lot of the comments on his videos are people who have no interest in painting like you - they just like Bob lol, find his voice relaxing and like the peaceful aura he gave in his videos.

    I love yoyo's lol :) I don't get videos regarding them though I did get a video about toys from early 2000's last year which I loved watching because it resonated with me and I remembered a few did used to have. It's weird the things you can forget, or maybe that's just my weird autistic memory? I've noticed I struggle to retain information sometimes, such as holding on to childhood and teenage memories. I wonder if it's autism or is it ADHD, or is it both?

    That's more a question for my therapist though. Sorry Number, I derailed there lol! 

  • Well that's brilliant then.  Thank you so much for recommending the Bob Ross painter videos to me, although, like we have established earlier, I do not enjoy painting so probably will not be likely to watch videos about doing it.

    Does your YT feed come up with other stuff that I like.......yo-yos are great toys (in my humble opinion) and like I say, marbles are enjoyable because I can practice some hand-eye coordination whilst having fun with myself.

  • Have you ever seen the Bob Ross painter videos? He came up on my YT feed and I like watching his videos now, I find them both enjoyable and inspiring.

  • Water colours all the way! Lol. I do have a heightened smell, that's part of autism I think. But yeah I'm the same as you most solvent smells are a pleasanty for my nose.

    My school library used to have this super smell of books, like your average library I guess, and, I used to spend my lunch and breaks in there just because I liked the smell - and it was nice to do some reading too, and hide from the other kids.

  • Do you prefer i'huile or water colours?  Personally, any solvent smell makes me happy, in small(ish) doses.

  • Painting isn't for everyone. I started it at school, though I'm not even good at painting I just find it relaxing almost soothing. We all enjoy different things and that's good IMO. 

    Marbles isn't something I know much about to be honest, the only time I can think of me seeing them is at Christmas from the crackers lol but I always give them to my little sister as she collects them.

  • Great!  I'm pleased.  How you do you feel about marbles.....because as you will note from my comment above, I do not enjoy painting.

Reply Children
  • Lol that's a good description! I don't know much about cars. My mind is more of an old computer held together with tape but it's still got life and is continuously processing data. I'm a thinker, constantly thinking, processing and computing everything. I find my mind both interesting and frightening.

    No, I don't work unfortunately. The gap was because after finishing posts here and writing Whatsapp messages I got really tired as I get these waves of fatigue and I need to rest and get some sleep, if I can. I spend most of my time in bed during the daytime. I'm constantly tired and when I do things the tiredness hits fast and I need recovery time before I do anything else, and that does include doing small things like online forums.

    I'm feeling more awake and refreshed again now. It's an endless battle against...myself. You can ask me anything you like. My life is an open book for all to ingest.

    I like bubbles. I can remember when I was very little my mum got me this bubble blowing bottle and I used to blow the bubbles and just be amazed at how they either popped or would last for what felt like forever! Sometimes I stood and watched. Other times I would chase them like a dog does a stick. I'm not a big bubble bath fan though... I prefer plain and quick baths as I don't like my skin or hair getting wet. I've always been like that though. My mum said I was fussy, to me though it's more a sensory thing.

    See you later, Number :) 

  • It is hard to derail something that isn't (ever) properly on the tracks.  Welcome to my world...I'm more of an all-terrain mind - big tyres and sturdy suspension....but the engine light is always on and I leak CHF.

    Are you at work at the moment?  I notice that you appear and disappear with some degree of predictable regularity following each of our exchanges?  None of my business obviously, so no need to disclose anything about your daily programming that you would prefer not to mention.

    Me on the other hand, well I'm like an open, clear and transparent book in large format print.  Accordingly, I am happy to report that ....I'm off for a bubble bath now.  Hard to resist those remarkably thin membranes that separate the inner air of a bubble from the surrounding air all around it.  They are fragile though.....bubbles.

    So - splish, splash, I'll be having a bath.  See you on the flip side Swifty.

  • I thought I would suggest it anyway just in case because a lot of the comments on his videos are people who have no interest in painting like you - they just like Bob lol, find his voice relaxing and like the peaceful aura he gave in his videos.

    I love yoyo's lol :) I don't get videos regarding them though I did get a video about toys from early 2000's last year which I loved watching because it resonated with me and I remembered a few did used to have. It's weird the things you can forget, or maybe that's just my weird autistic memory? I've noticed I struggle to retain information sometimes, such as holding on to childhood and teenage memories. I wonder if it's autism or is it ADHD, or is it both?

    That's more a question for my therapist though. Sorry Number, I derailed there lol! 

  • Well that's brilliant then.  Thank you so much for recommending the Bob Ross painter videos to me, although, like we have established earlier, I do not enjoy painting so probably will not be likely to watch videos about doing it.

    Does your YT feed come up with other stuff that I like.......yo-yos are great toys (in my humble opinion) and like I say, marbles are enjoyable because I can practice some hand-eye coordination whilst having fun with myself.

  • Have you ever seen the Bob Ross painter videos? He came up on my YT feed and I like watching his videos now, I find them both enjoyable and inspiring.

  • Water colours all the way! Lol. I do have a heightened smell, that's part of autism I think. But yeah I'm the same as you most solvent smells are a pleasanty for my nose.

    My school library used to have this super smell of books, like your average library I guess, and, I used to spend my lunch and breaks in there just because I liked the smell - and it was nice to do some reading too, and hide from the other kids.

  • Do you prefer i'huile or water colours?  Personally, any solvent smell makes me happy, in small(ish) doses.

  • Painting isn't for everyone. I started it at school, though I'm not even good at painting I just find it relaxing almost soothing. We all enjoy different things and that's good IMO. 

    Marbles isn't something I know much about to be honest, the only time I can think of me seeing them is at Christmas from the crackers lol but I always give them to my little sister as she collects them.