GP would not refer me for a diagnosis


I have recently come to the belief that I must be autistic based on various online tests (including 43 out off 50 on the AQ test) and very strongly identifying with virtually all common traits etc including with those that have been diagnosed. Also it seemed to make sense of various unusual behaviour patterns etc I have had throughout my life which I had considered separate issues.

Based on all this I eventually took the courage to approach my GP for a referral for a diagnosis and was only offered a very brief phone appointment and was told that I cannot be autistic as I have good written and verbal communication skills and have held a marriage together for 20 years. own my own home and have been in a good job for 11 years so apparently have not had a hindered life development . Also that my social anxiety and sensory issues and being aggravated by noise issues etc was an unconnected anxiety issue and maybe I may want counselling etc for those, but could not be referred for an autism assessment.

I was not happy with this and have basically decided to pay for a private diagnosis although very expensive as I now need to know for myself, my family and certain work etc situations as it would help me and people understand me more and would help in certain areas of my life.

I am wondering how much truth there is in the reasons I was given for not being autistic or any other advice that may help me.

  • Hi there , I had a situation today where I tried to talk to the doctor, I rang last week to try and make an appointment because of COVID restrictions I had to wait for a call back, they finally rang  today, but caught me of guard I just finished work, so I was trying to explain over the phone which isn’t easy for me prefer face to face, they were very unhelpful, basically saying if I don’t give a good enough  reason we can’t refer you, so asked for another call back tomorrow so I can prepare notes, this was very off Putting, they sounded very uninterested and just wanted to work.

  • Yes that sounds similar in a way to my experience today - disinterest and trying to get me off the phone to move on to the next appointment. Felt quite gutted really after. But at least feel better after sharing and support on here.

  • When I went to see my gp I printed off my results on my 50 questions test and showed I had used a reputable site with proper questions not one that was “answer questions and win a prize” or summit stupid . The problem is there is a section of society that prey on convincing people they have a mental issue and ram said propaganda in their faces and some people end up pursuing a false diagnosis. When someone such as yourself genuinely pursues a diagnosis the gp’s seem to think it’s someone wasting their time looking for an easy answer to their problems. Hence I took a copy of my results to my gp. I appreciate current circumstances are restrictive in  doing this so would it be worth doing one maybe two tests, printing them off and sending them to your gp? 

  • When I went to see my gp I printed off my results on my 50 questions test and showed I had used a reputable site with proper questions not one that was “answer questions and win a prize” or summit stupid . The problem is there is a section of society that prey on convincing people they have a mental issue and ram said propaganda in their faces and some people end up pursuing a false diagnosis. When someone such as yourself genuinely pursues a diagnosis the gp’s seem to think it’s someone wasting their time looking for an easy answer to their problems. Hence I took a copy of my results to my gp. I appreciate current circumstances are restrictive in  doing this so would it be worth doing one maybe two tests, printing them off and sending them to your gp? 
