
Hello I'm ben

I've been struggling with autism and adulthood for years. Like I forget simple things if other things happen in between. Or find myself rather clumsy at times. I am worried about losing friends because I'm lazy or doing it on purpose but I'm not. I just seem to have these things happen around me. Today has been bad because I've stopped living with them and gone back to living with my dad. I just need to start getting help but have no idea where to get it. I wonder others are going through the same thing.

  • Hi,

    Welcome to the community

    I forget things all the time however I like lists so I just write what I need to do down and then cross it off, which works really well until I forget where the list is. i don't know your freinds so i don't know what they are like but if they are true friends then they will love you for being you and they will want to support you (sounds a bit cheesy, sorry). Is living with your dad bad or is the change in routine bad?

  • Hi,

    Welcome to the community

    I forget things all the time however I like lists so I just write what I need to do down and then cross it off, which works really well until I forget where the list is. i don't know your freinds so i don't know what they are like but if they are true friends then they will love you for being you and they will want to support you (sounds a bit cheesy, sorry). Is living with your dad bad or is the change in routine bad?

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