Hello! Looking into breaching the subject with my Dr.

Hello Everyone,

I have struggle with depression, anxiety, and what has newly been diagnosed as OCD after starting to see a proper therapist for the first time.

While I feel these diagnoses are appropriate and they cover a lot of my issues I have been wondering for a while if autism might fit in someway. I’m trying to decide to breach the subject with my general practitioner. 

Some of the issues include:

I’lol become overwhelmed. Inside I feel like just exploding yelling and throwing and hitting things. Just wanting to lash and do nothing at the same time.

hyperfixation or obsession over something until I have consumed, bought, or seen everything. Books tv shows that kind of thing.

I hate quiet but also can get incredibly over whelmed with noise and stimulation sometimes until I want to cry.

I’ve always had trouble making friends. I currently have only one but in general I’ll make friends and it doesn’t last very long. 

I obsess over social situations. Something as small as going to the drive through or getting my hair cut needs to be planned because I’m afraid of awkward situations. I’ll panic. Generally I don’t talk in these situations if not necessary. I don’t feel I know what an appropriate conversation would be and it sends me into a panic thinking about having to figure it out.

I hate textures. I can’t touch things without absolutely hating in and cringing and overly reacting when doing dishes or anything.

I don’t know if these are things I should bother bringing up with either my therapist or general doctor. Does anyone have any advice?

thank you

  • Hi there

    What I am currently doing is typing out a document addressing all of the diagnosis criteria for autism, giving examples from my adulthood and childhood for each criteria. I have been able to tick every box, even if some were a little lighter on. 

    I will be taking this with me to an appointment with my GP. It will be very hard for him to dismiss it with all the evidence. 

    It sounds like you would be able to provide lots of evidence too. Maybe you could try collating examples from your life too. It was surprising how much I gathered once I started recalling things over the years. 

  • Hi there

    What I am currently doing is typing out a document addressing all of the diagnosis criteria for autism, giving examples from my adulthood and childhood for each criteria. I have been able to tick every box, even if some were a little lighter on. 

    I will be taking this with me to an appointment with my GP. It will be very hard for him to dismiss it with all the evidence. 

    It sounds like you would be able to provide lots of evidence too. Maybe you could try collating examples from your life too. It was surprising how much I gathered once I started recalling things over the years. 

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