Masking - Open

If anyone would like to share their experience with masking, or offer advice to anyone, or your opinions feel free to share it here. I would also be interested to hear from you guys, both NT's and ND's


  • I used to be quite a heavy masker until I burned out... it led to low self-esteem and identity confusion. I wish we didn't have to do it. Although I do it automatically out of fear.

  • I find it hard I've had self identity issues for as long as I can remember I never knew why until I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago and it all makes sense but it's strange I can't always help it I don't know about anyone else but for me it's turned into an automatic defence mechanism I get burnt out all the time. I went and got my haircut today for the first time six months I didn't realise until I got home how much I masked whilst I was out and I've been barley been able to speak and stay awake I'm so burnt out. 

  • Yeah it burns me out as well. When I'm around people I don't know well, I tend to go into charming/people-pleasing mode as a defence mechanism, and say things I don't even mean, just out of fear of bullying lol

  • My aunt-in-law was a senior nurse forty years ago. She is Pollyanna. But I need to play it cool.

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