Life quality

Hello everyone, 

My name is Charlie. I live in Denmark with my wife and two kids - both kids are on the spectrum in each their way Slight smile

I'd really like to get some input from all of you regarding: 

1. Do you feel content (edited from contempt) with the quality of life you are living?

2. What efforts are you making to improve you life?

I'll kick in with my own experiences along the way - but first I'd really like to hear your experiences.

All the best, 


  • I sorry to read about your hardship in life. Yes, the term "higher functioning" can be quite a ***. I've always struggled to make people understand that I was unable to do / behave as they expected. I don't look different. I am intelligent. So people expect the basics to be easy for me, which they just weren't. Have you tried mindfullness and meditation like describes above? I am not far in my journey as an aware autist, but I've come to understand the power of controlling ones mind. Don't know if that could make a difference to you?

  • I can relate to that. I especially relate to my nordic roots and norse mythology. Either way - finding a way to just be and detach from the brain has been a really big change in my life. Before I would just push harder. However, that turned out to be a really poor path. 

  • You are absolutely right. I means content :) And thanks for the heads up regarding the graphic. Fixed that as well. 

    Happy to hear that you feel content after "surviving" childhood and teens. I definitely recognize the hardship of those years. However, my twenties and start thirties very pretty intense as well. Graduating university and having a career job really took a toll on me. It wasn't until last year, when my autism was discovered that life has started to make sense :) 

  • 1) uh, life kind of sucks, as someone who was diagnosed super late in life. people like me, 'higher functioning' whatever that might mean, supposedly have it pretty shitty. i can attest to that whole heartedly. 2) i am in therapy with a specialist in asd, 2x a week. i seem to also have a sort of self survival instinct - i live super healthy, but have a variety of health issues, undoubtedly related to my asd. but, many of my pals have health issues............. many are probably on the spectrum. since i am now aware of my sensitivities, whereas before iwas oblivious, i now try to mitigate them. and ihave every sensitivity known to man, aliens, microbes, fungi, cave men, cave women, cave others (with all respect), big foot, and planetoids. (i am not sensitive to those things listed - i'm sensitive to everything known to anything, anywhere, anyhow, anywhoe, anytime)

  • 1. Do you feel contempt with the quality of life you are living?

    not any more

    2. What efforts are you making to improve you life?

    practising sitting Zen meditation and walking mediation  every day. Trying to bring in Mindfulness living in as well. Reading about the lifes and experiences of the Zen Masters such as  Bankei, C Joko  Beck

  • Maybe you mean content, not contempt?

    Yes, I feel content, as much as any NT. Childhood from 4-19 was hard, but then started getting ok, then good.

    I'm trying to learn how to respond better to flirting and moves as i find getting into relationships impossible.

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