
  • well thats very thoughtful of you

  • Hi welcome to this forum for autistic adults, 

    yep u're all you're a bit all over the place but that not so unusual here.U can mention just about anything in your background but be aware everything you post is searchable via google and you could upset autistics  who have lead protected sheltered lives. You could also trigger other people. Some people, in other forums for extremes put "TRIGGER WARNING" like this around any text that might trigger.

    U wont shock me i have heard some truly horrible stuff many times.

    dont put anything that can be used to identify you

    yes certain noises really erk me... i guess they have a frequency.  just have bothered to go that far yet. Similar to you the sound of a spitfire sound is like heaven so loudness isnt the only factor. people talking close by when i am trying to concentrate i find very distracting. light switches are painful particularly at night ( when its quiet ).

  • Hello  

    I have only been using this Forum since yesterday, but it seems like a very friendly place. So I wouldn't worry about long posts (I struggle with keeping things short and to the point = I always say things in 50 words instead of 5 or 10! A bit like Clint Eastwood's The-Man-With-No-Name character, only in reverse Rolling eyes

    Regarding your music, is it something you could maybe put on a website (either one of your own, or Youtube, for example)? So that other folks can listen to it and enjoy it?

    Please don't say making music is simply not worth it. If it makes you happy and keeps you occupied, then it's all good! Listening to music is one of the best medicines for a lot of people who are struggling. It should be prescribed by the NHS in my opinion, just like exercise is now being done.

    I HATE loud music being played by other people, but can easily put my headphones on, turn up to 100 and listen to some of the metal music I liked when in my teens!

    1 thing I have noticed being on here = everybody is different, and nobody should be ashamed of it V

    P.S. Sorry if this didn't help!