a very serious question

Hi all hope you are all good i have a very important question a true question one of the most important questions you will ever face 

and here it is are you a tea person or a coffee person ?

i expect some serious debate but be nice we are all friends hereStuck out tongue winking eyeClownStuck out tongue winking eye

  • Went of coffee as a teenager when my Mum made some coffee icecream.

    Instead of three teaspoons of coffee (which would have been too much anyway!) she put three tablespoons in.

    It was horrible!  If anyone wants to be cured of coffee addiction, this is the way to do it!

    I drink tea, but am not what you might call a tea addict.  Just a normal supermarket tea, nowt fancy and with no perfumed essences.

    And waking up to a cup of tea from my teasmade, with a couple of biccies, is just the ticket!

  • neither for me I mainly drink water or fizzy drinks the real question is Pepsi vs Coke?

  • i love both just to be on the fence --- coffee in morning  then tea or rooiboos then decaf coffee / chamomile

    tea has to be loose tea, coffee must be non instant i have standards. coffee ideally with full cream milk.

    when hiking/outside working then  builders tea please