Un-diagnosed and confused

Hey everyone, I've only recently realised (aboutr 3/4 months ago) that I display a lot of ASD traits. I'm 34 and my (now estranged) wife wrote a loooong list of all the things I do/don't do. 

Overall I feel annoyed that I didn't realise sooner, I'm annoyed that my parents and teachers didn't realise. If I'd known sooner, I feel like I could have managed life a bit better, I might have been able to save my marriage for one. 

However since realising I've been a lot more aware of how I react to things, and try to find ways to cope. I used to get so annoyed with my kids when they were just doing kid stuff (like being loud and jumping around) and I really hate that I did. But I feel like now I can have a good word with myself and just be more patient. I still struggle with large supermarkets, I don't think that's ever going to change!

I've joined this community to get an insight into how other people live with ASD and learn from you guys where I can. I want to live the best life I can going forward. 

  • Yeah Covid has messed everything up I went private it’s a lot quicker 2 months it cost me £1200 the average price for private autism diagnosis is between £1000-£2000 so it’s very expensive I just about could afford it but for me it was worth it.

  • Thanks Simon, I think I will pursue a diagnosis as you suggest. I think I need that sort of validation that I expect will come with a diagnosis, I wish the waiting list here was shorter, it's three years at the moment! Thanks for sharing your experience.

  • see isn't it amazing  Slight smile

  • Hello Nick welcome to the forum I’m 34 too and just recently got diagnosed with autism last month the past year I’ve been going through similar thoughts and feelings that you’re going’s through now I think you should pursue a diagnosis just to at least put your mind at ease.

  • Thanks aidie!

    I've done a few tests online and they've all come back saying the same sort of thing. Did the AQ10 this morning and got a 7/10. I'll have to dig out that list, but honestly my relationship with my ex is a lot better now that I don't have to think about all the additional marriage stuff. 

    I think I hide my symptoms well, by mimicry and by just being quiet. When I read other people's experiences it's like seeing the world in a new light - I find myself going, oh I do that a lot. 

    That funny hair thing is so funny! I have ridiculously unruly hair, just does whatever it wants at all angles.

  • keep that list from ur wife its very useful. Be nice to her as she may be needed in your diagnosis.

    Maybe u are such a border line case no-one has the nerve to say to you

    "You are autistic"

    Or they don't see all of u  so there is not enough to say to justify "You are autistic"

    but your ex-partner is saying you are she sees all of your behaviours so u owe her big time she uncovered u.

    do the autism tests online to see how u score.

    if u dont have a link let us know / just ask.

    u know to make a list of all the reasons u have autism right Slight smile

    ther is one autistic trait which i always found amusing 

    "Funny hair"

    i was always told "a cow must have licked me when born" because my hair  was like Boris's in the wind :)

    I made a great punk !