Is there ANYONE here, that doesnt have a degree? and is basically very average?

As the title asks!.....its not a veiled pop at intelligence...but ive never excelled, in part, due to a very late diagnosis(at least,thats what im telling myself)....but of course, i am quite good at some things....but its not of any note...(please dont ask me, i wont want to divulge as its all pretty rudimentary stuff, and serves to remind me how limited my life really has been..

Im not looking for any bolstering platitudes and im not licking  wounds or being  self pitying....

Im Genuinely, curious if theres anyone else out there ,that isnt academically successful? 

  • I'm too average for my certs. So average it hurts. ;-)

    Very late self-realisation and assessment myself too! I went complete decades thinking it might be bipolar (as i had witnessed with a former colleague), but doing absolutely nothing to really address the issue because it seemed that no one was ever going to willing endorse any of my psychic explorations. (That's life, kinda thing!) And they still don't want to know!

    I suppose with me it is something to do with that recent fad tendency to say that you feel like an imposter. I don't really think I carry off 'The Groves of Academe' stuff at all well. In fact, it all seems so utterly bogus, in my case, that I'm rather fond of the expression, "Try taking the weight off your testimonials!". 

    Not that I really want to intimidate anyone here, because it seems to me that most posters on this site are really quite convincing in their chosen manner of communication; and I still see a lot to appreciate in humanity; from supposed classicos to apparent higher-functioneers. I'm much happier dobbing along really; happier sharpening the pencils for others with sharper minds.

    I've had my fair share of both academic and practical success, but have always managed to eventually lose the plot and go off on another tangent. There seems to be a great deal of ADD (not much H) with the dyspraxia, slow mental processing and poor social & physical coordination. There never really has been a proper plan, either. 

    I also just about manage to get by with some degree of cheerfulness, adaptability and positivity.

  • I'm too average for my certs. So average it hurts. ;-)

    Very late self-realisation and assessment myself too! I went complete decades thinking it might be bipolar (as i had witnessed with a former colleague), but doing absolutely nothing to really address the issue because it seemed that no one was ever going to willing endorse any of my psychic explorations. (That's life, kinda thing!) And they still don't want to know!

    I suppose with me it is something to do with that recent fad tendency to say that you feel like an imposter. I don't really think I carry off 'The Groves of Academe' stuff at all well. In fact, it all seems so utterly bogus, in my case, that I'm rather fond of the expression, "Try taking the weight off your testimonials!". 

    Not that I really want to intimidate anyone here, because it seems to me that most posters on this site are really quite convincing in their chosen manner of communication; and I still see a lot to appreciate in humanity; from supposed classicos to apparent higher-functioneers. I'm much happier dobbing along really; happier sharpening the pencils for others with sharper minds.

    I've had my fair share of both academic and practical success, but have always managed to eventually lose the plot and go off on another tangent. There seems to be a great deal of ADD (not much H) with the dyspraxia, slow mental processing and poor social & physical coordination. There never really has been a proper plan, either. 

    I also just about manage to get by with some degree of cheerfulness, adaptability and positivity.

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