
My name is Mark. I’m 46 years old. 

It is very likely that I am about to discover, why I have been behaving like I have, for as long as I can remember. I could have been an Avionics Engineer. I’m mad for airliners (planes) also, airline liveries and washing machines. And capital cities  

I feel pretty sad that my secrets are coming out, and sad that I have scored very poorly on the Cambridge Questionnaire. I don’t think that I’m an unkind person. 

I have learned many skills that I have needed to adapt into normal life  

I’m so glad that I have signed up to this forum. 

Reading your posts and experiences, is making me feel that I’m less of the odd one out. 



Parents Reply
  • I think Bagpuss just meant you're definitely not alone or the odd one out here.

    I've only just been here using the forum myself the past couple of days but reading them a little while longer than that, and it is a relief to know there are people who understand and I can actually communicate with them here.
