Advice for dating a man with Asperger's.

Hello all, 

I'm so glad to have finally found somewhere to discuss this. 

My partner and me have been together for a couple of years, and we both feel he has AS. Both of us have siblings with AS and I have professional training and experience with people with this condition, plus his behaviours match up on online tests he's taken (though those things are a NIGHTMARE for literal thinkers like him!). We're in our late twenties and have discussed him getting a diagnosis for some time, but we're aware of the time/ effort/ chance of it not being recognised and we're not sure there'd really be any benefit for him or us. However, I'm starting to struggle a little. 

I'm a very emotionally colourful person- enormously expressive and open- and I find his lack of emotion so challenging at times. There's zero affection unless I instigate it, though we have a relatively healthy sexual relationship. I can be crying and he'll just sit, blinking at me. He's never said anything emotional about me or our relationship, in terms of how much he loves me or how I make him feel. It's TOUGH, especially as I feel loved through words. I feel like we've tried everything, and bless him, he tries so, so hard to meet my needs, but having to constantly direct him in how to love me makes me feel I'm the only person in our relationship. We're both reaching a point of frustration and huge imbalance. I think he feels he irritates me all the time and is walking on eggshells. I find communicating with him so exhausting that I'm switching off, and I feel enormously guilty and responsible. 

I've come to the point where I've realised I absolutely have to stop pushing him for things that are simply not in his repertoire, such as physical and vocal affection. He's tried and tried and just can't keep it up without reminding. I want to learn to love him as he is and stop focusing on my own void, but it's difficult. I have the most amazing relationship with my brother who has AS, and I'm the only person who can communicate well with him, but it's a completely different thing with a partner and strong emotions. 

I don't feel I can talk to anyone else about this, as I worry people who don't understand would simply tell me to leave. I absolutely would never leave him. He's the most amazing man- kind, funny and intelligent. I just wish I had the skills to make him always feel that way, rather than the irritating little boy I probably make him feel at times. We're the best of friends and he's the absolute love of my life. 

I wondered if anyone might have any advice, such as how to meet in the middle, or even how to learn to put my own needs, regarding affection, aside without feeling resentful. I'm already a very open, honest and direct communicator, but I feel we're so wildly different, that we're still not communicating well, and I'd love to fix that. I'd also like to add that I'm happy to be on this journey with him- people with AS have deeply enriched my life and my soul and I know that learning to navigate this will make our relationship, and me as an individual, infinitely stronger. 

I'm so sorry this is is so long, and I'm so grateful if you've managed to read this and could offer any tips. 

Sending love, thanks and best wishes. 

  • OK, so maybe try this - rather than wanting him to provide the NT expressions that you expect why not ask him what he does/says because he loves you?

    I do loads of tiny things for my NT wife that I consider to be micro-expressions of how much I care about her:

    • make her breakfast in the morning (even when it's the weekend and it should be her turn)
    • massage her bad shoulder / do 'scratchy head'
    • serve her food first
    • walk between her and the 'road' on the pavement
    • want to have contact with her - even just a fingertip touch
    • etc.

    ...she doesn't even notice that I do these things... but they are the way I express my love for her.

    Don't get me started on 'meeting half-way', if he is ASD then he's probably already meeting you 75% of the way purely due to the need to 'mask' all the time to 'fit in'.

    Realign your worldview to see the things he does for what they are, plus realise that when most NTs say 'I love you' or bring flowers these carry about as much value as reflexively saying "Bless you!" in response to a sneeze, but when someone with ASD does/says something they MEAN it.

    Quality, not quantity...

  • Firstly, I'm not actually NT, depending on which way you look at things. Also, affection etc aren't necessarily NT expressions, but you make perfect sense. My partner says a similar thing to you, but, what I know about relationships is that we all have different 'love languages'. Some people feel loved through words, touch, mere presence, doing the washing up etc etc, and to have a successful relationship, we have to learn to communicate our feelings through the way which works for our partner, otherwise it's almost meaningless. Love almost doesn't exist if it's not perceived by the other person, perhaps. 

    You do make it sound like I'm not 'meeting halfway' already. He's an incredible person, but I've spent the couple of years trying really hard to put my own needs aside. I know what I need to do... it's more the HOW I'm interested in. 

    I really do agree with you though, and appreciate your answer. I've had boyfriends who had no issue in proclaiming their undying love for me at any given opportunity, but it meant nothing!

  • Firstly, I'm not actually NT, depending on which way you look at things. Also, affection etc aren't necessarily NT expressions, but you make perfect sense. My partner says a similar thing to you, but, what I know about relationships is that we all have different 'love languages'. Some people feel loved through words, touch, mere presence, doing the washing up etc etc, and to have a successful relationship, we have to learn to communicate our feelings through the way which works for our partner, otherwise it's almost meaningless. Love almost doesn't exist if it's not perceived by the other person, perhaps. 

    You do make it sound like I'm not 'meeting halfway' already. He's an incredible person, but I've spent the couple of years trying really hard to put my own needs aside. I know what I need to do... it's more the HOW I'm interested in. 

    I really do agree with you though, and appreciate your answer. I've had boyfriends who had no issue in proclaiming their undying love for me at any given opportunity, but it meant nothing!

  • I believe it's as difficult for a NT person to undo a lifetime of conditioning towards that notion as it is for someone with AS to want to do those things... so where does that leave us all?

    Oh, and when I wrote the part above, I was speaking broadly ad generally, rather than necessarily about myself. 

  • Well it depends on perspective and depends what NT means. I can be subjective, mostly depending which side of the medical vs. social argument you're on. I've had several diagnoses in the past relating to mental health, including 'chronic' conditions- the big, stigmatized, supposedly 'incurable' ones. I also had a doctor wish to refer me for diagnosis of adult (female) autism and ADHD, which I declined due to my own views on diagnoses (I also don't believe that would have been correct, but understand his reasoning). 

    My own views are that I'm a product of my environment and my upbringing and I dislike the use of labels when they are purely used to pathologize people. I think diagnosis is useful (and perhaps designed) for entry into supportive services, medication, etc and understanding oneself and others better if that's what a person feels would be helpful. But I see what most people would describe as 'neurodiverse' as perfect, something to be accepted, celebrated and normalised, which is why I'm here asking for some additional advice in continuing to do so in my partner's case. 

    So, I've been given labels previously which many would argue mean that I am 'neurodiverse', and that's for life. But I've learned to manage my 'condition' so well that I'd highly doubt any doctor would be able to diagnose me with anything at all. I find it easier to use the phrase 'NT' about partners of people with AS, as I don't have it myself, so it provides that clarity. I just feel a little as though I'm being viewed as some sort of neurotypical enemy in this forum and it's really quite upsetting, which is why, I guess, I felt the need to mention that I'm not exactly NT either. 

  • I believe it's as difficult for a NT person to undo a lifetime of conditioning towards that notion as it is for someone with AS to want to do those things... so where does that leave us all?

    Suggests you're NT... and how does that reconcile with...

    I'm not actually NT, depending on which way you look at things
