Saying hello for first time

Hello to everyone on this wonderful site. It's taken me many months to pluck up the courage to register and post. I'm a 55 year old aspie and adhder and spent the first 50 years of my life as an undiagnosed confused person who drove himself, two wives and lots of other people half mad. I also have a 33 year old daughter and a 9 year old grandson who are going through the laborious assessment process.

I've spent my life entirely without close friends, and the thought of this continuing is deeply depressing.  My daughter has made me go on line in an attempt to get me to communicate more with fellow human beings. 

I would be deeply grateful to anyone who can offer me a few words on here. I have read many posts and share the sadnesses, anxieties, frustrations and traits of many. Im also really worried for my daughter and grandson as i know what is ahead for them if they do not get the support and help they need. 

Many thanks indeed to you all. 

  • Greetings.  Slight smile

    I was diagnosed at 55. That was three years ago. After the diagnosis I was able to get some CBT and have a go at mindfulness meditation which has made me a slightly calmer person. Also I have stopped "masking" to some extent which is a huge relief. I have found everybody on here to be very welcoming and friendly. I drop in to chat when I'm in the mood and when there's some credit on my phone. They are good people. 

  • Greetings.  Slight smile

    I was diagnosed at 55. That was three years ago. After the diagnosis I was able to get some CBT and have a go at mindfulness meditation which has made me a slightly calmer person. Also I have stopped "masking" to some extent which is a huge relief. I have found everybody on here to be very welcoming and friendly. I drop in to chat when I'm in the mood and when there's some credit on my phone. They are good people. 

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