Looking into case of Aspergers - Introduction


I have been looking into what I believe may be a case of Aspergers within myself, a journey which has been accumulating more and more within the last year. I have already sent out various NHS forms for a diagnosis and am apart of the long waiting process - Of course I want to see what I can do to assist myself right away.

I have here a list of possible symptoms that I made bother I applied for the diagnosis which explain why I believe I may appear on the spectrum:

* Highly Sensitive Person - Another term which I feel I could relate to as I feel I am very OVER sensitive, which contrasts a lot of what I have heard about Aspergers people.
* Depression
* Social anxiety
* Unable to make comfortable eye contact - friends and strangers
* Routines - unhappy when events don't occur as I pre-conceptualize them. Familiar order daily tasks.
* Limited/narrow interest - video games/media only
* One main focus subject - juggling tasks/memory can't multitask
* Food sensitivity as far as texture - poor diet
* light and sound sensitivity - overbearing, frequent headaches too.
* Social skills - feels uncomfortable with them, yet has yearning for bonds!
* Time anxiety - leading up to work days, as time depleting I get very edgy and cannot focus and worry.
* Selective Mutism - a reaction upon distrust when offended with indviduals.
* Strong sense of compassion - I am caring for people who I consider friends (Which are very limited in quantity but I cherish the bonds i have.)
* Literal Interpretations - false understanding of jokes, phrases & meanings
*reputation/ego - fear of association, Not embracing the world of social media as I don't like the concept of others melding my own image.
* Shame - Something which affects me very easily and I get very defensive
* Perfectionism - I cannot accpet flaws within myself, not let them show to others. I don't consider myself arrogant and if anything I find this high expectation upon myself challenging.
* Lacking development within lifestyle - still feeling like a child.

Sorry, I know that is a lot to take in but I just wanted to sort of lay my cards on the table as a refference point and see where I can go with this. Of course I look forward to chatting and getting familiar within people here on the forum too :)

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