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Hello! I would like to introduce myself.

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  • Hi Buses21, sorry to hear you're having difficulties.

    I do need to tell you that you are not allowed to participate in this public forum if you are under the age of 16 for your own safety, as stated in the T&Cs; after all you never know who might be on the other side of a screen and not all people have good intentions, so our priority as adults has to be to keep you safe. 

    I was also supported by CAMHS when I was young, please talk to the people there who are qualified to help and advise you with your problems at school and have been through the necessary checks and training to protect you! The staff at your school are also there to help you, especially re. bullying.

    The system isn't letting me tag a moderator in so I will be reporting directly. 

    I hope things pick up for you soon Buses21!

  • Hi Buses21, sorry to hear you're having difficulties.

    I do need to tell you that you are not allowed to participate in this public forum if you are under the age of 16 for your own safety, as stated in the T&Cs; after all you never know who might be on the other side of a screen and not all people have good intentions, so our priority as adults has to be to keep you safe. 

    I was also supported by CAMHS when I was young, please talk to the people there who are qualified to help and advise you with your problems at school and have been through the necessary checks and training to protect you! The staff at your school are also there to help you, especially re. bullying.

    The system isn't letting me tag a moderator in so I will be reporting directly. 

    I hope things pick up for you soon Buses21!
