Sensory overload - does this sound like ASD?

I had to go shopping in town today which I avoid as I dread and suffer badly from sensory overload and dislike crowds and social interaction in shops. I then had to take two buses home in the heat through busy part of town. I have felt quite jetlagged since then which is over 6 hours ago. Does this sound like ASD? I aware that other traits are involved too. 

  • Hi Ayshigirl,

    It's possible, but it could be a number of things. It may have been the social interaction/crowds that was the main stressor, in which case you might be looking at symptoms of social anxietyx

    Much love <3

  • Hi Ayshigirl,

    It's possible, but it could be a number of things. It may have been the social interaction/crowds that was the main stressor, in which case you might be looking at symptoms of social anxietyx

    Much love <3
