Hi, parent of 19 year old desperate for help

Hi, I am here in desperation! I have no where else to turn for advice as doctors are useless. My son is 19 and I believe he has Aspergers. He needs a diagnosis but the doctors just send him away with anti depressants. He is so sad and lonely and unable to function in daily life as he is afraid of pretty much everything. He is intelligent and caring but socialy awkward and shuts down in public. 

We have reached breaking point and it’s difficult to cope as a family as we don’t know what to do to help him. 

Has anyone else experienced this as nobody around us understands and I have no idea what to do next.

Our local mental health services are a joke and fairly non existant so we can’t go back to the doctors as they give him more tablets and send him home. 

Is there really nothing out there for people with mental health problems and their families?  

  • Can you get him to take the AQ and EQ instruments?

    1. https://psychology-tools.com/autism-spectrum-quotient/
    2. https://psychology-tools.com/empathy-quotient/

    What have you told the doctors so far?

    It does seem fairly common for ASD/Aspergers to be initially misdiagnosed as depression or maybe bipolar disorder.

    GPs do have a rough time. Ours clearly has a mere 10 minute "production line" slot before they "ought to be speaking to the next patient". It must be a little bit like working in a call centre... As a result, the GPs might well end up treating the symptoms they can see.

  • Hi, thanks for the links, we have been through the system since he was six. He was diagnosed with OCD at 12 but it has since manifested into severe social anxiety/eating disorder/depression it feels like there are so many things going on the doctors don’t know how to handle it. We have been back several times with extended appointments. He and I both really want a diagnosis for him but they seem reluctant to refer him.  It’s all I ask of them but feel like I am banging my head against the wall. He is taking the tablets and following their advice but he is declining rapidly week by week. I am scared for him. What on earth do I need to do to get a referral or some actual help? CBT does not work as already tried twice.  

  • Like I said, the GPs are often reduced to treating the symptoms they can see.

    Do the AQ test, and put the result in writing to your GP. If the score is over 32, it already sounds like there is enough additional background material that might sway them towards referral to your nearest autism spectrum experts.

    Failing that, you could always throw money at the problem with a private assessment...

    In my own case, it was enough to write a letter explaining:

    1. my family had suggested I take the AQ
    2. my score (which was over 32)
    3. my score fell into a portion of the distribution curve (see below) which strongly suggested an ASD assessment would be worthwhile
    4. my life is a bit of a mess... (yes, I had to provide some details).

    It's interesting you saying that CBT didn't work... I don't know much about it, but I'm on a waiting list for it, although I have already been warned that if ASD is identified, the people recommending CBT will promptly change their minds...!

    You asked what it takes to get some help. The short answer is that you need to play the game (and it is a game, really) in terms that enable the medical profession to help you. An AQ score above the 32 threshold is something they can work with, and given your report that the establishment doesn't know how to handle the range of reported symptoms, it seems likely that they have been waiting for "new information".

  • Like I said, the GPs are often reduced to treating the symptoms they can see.

    Do the AQ test, and put the result in writing to your GP. If the score is over 32, it already sounds like there is enough additional background material that might sway them towards referral to your nearest autism spectrum experts.

    Failing that, you could always throw money at the problem with a private assessment...

    In my own case, it was enough to write a letter explaining:

    1. my family had suggested I take the AQ
    2. my score (which was over 32)
    3. my score fell into a portion of the distribution curve (see below) which strongly suggested an ASD assessment would be worthwhile
    4. my life is a bit of a mess... (yes, I had to provide some details).

    It's interesting you saying that CBT didn't work... I don't know much about it, but I'm on a waiting list for it, although I have already been warned that if ASD is identified, the people recommending CBT will promptly change their minds...!

    You asked what it takes to get some help. The short answer is that you need to play the game (and it is a game, really) in terms that enable the medical profession to help you. An AQ score above the 32 threshold is something they can work with, and given your report that the establishment doesn't know how to handle the range of reported symptoms, it seems likely that they have been waiting for "new information".

  • Hi and thank you for the information I will definitively ask him to do the AQ test it will be something we can show the doctor with regards to asking for a referral.  You are right about it being a game! I also have heard that CBT does work really well for some people, it just is not suitable for my son unfortunately. I think he just needs some support and mentoring to get out and about but that seems to be what’s lacking. I really hope that things work out for you too and thank you for your help.  I will persevere and see what happens.