Possible dissociative disorder

Lately I have been experiencing these weird feelings. It feels like I am on drugs and can't control what I say or do. I am really worried and hate having these feelings as sometimes I can go through a day and not remember what happened and what people said to me. Does anybody else get these feelings? Please help LTG

  • yes, i get it every so often. I have done things like drive illegally and attack people and it's literally like my body is a puppet and i can't control it, not only that i have no warning what i'm about to do, i wasn't thinking of doing it and felt nothing eg anger that would lead you to attack someone, using that instance. If you get it a lot, you should get a diagnosis. Back when i was getting it a lot, i wasn't diagnosed with anything and it never occured to me to get a diagnosis and now i don't get it often. In my case i think it's related to my numb depression.

    As the mental health system doesn't really give you any information about anything, i'm going to link two youtube videos on the two topics by people who've had it:

    numb depression www.youtube.com/watch

    dissociative identity disorder www.youtube.com/watch

    i think they're clear so you'd be pretty sure if you had it from watching them

  • Hi Clovis,

    Thanks for your post. LilySnape has been informed about the community rules and action has been taken to ensure their posts are checked with moderators before they are seen by the rest of the community.

    Alexandra (moderator) 

  • Lily has posted that she is still at school. Its in everyone's interest surely to stick to forum rules about age limits for members.

    We should not be giving advice to those still under the legal protection of a parent or guardian. This safeguards everyone.

  • LilySnape said:

    Lately I have been experiencing these weird feelings. It feels like I am on drugs and can't control what I say or do. I am really worried and hate having these feelings as sometimes I can go through a day and not remember what happened and what people said to me. Does anybody else get these feelings? Please help LTG

    I get the very same feelings and have the same type of experiences, which I think are best described as being like a passenger riding in a car; rather than being the driver of it. Sometimes I have no awareness of events that I have participated in, sometimes jumbled and or confused memories, and other times complete awareness from start to finish.

    Like myself perhaps, you may be experiencing what is referred to as Autistic Burn-out - which results from the strains of engaging (directly or indirectly) with neurotypical people in their competitive behaviours and expectations for too long.

    I strongly suggest that you take some time out from any external pressure or strain whatsoever - and take it nice and easy without lazing out if possible. Keep yourself to a basic extent active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Obviously - consult with your GP or preferred health professional about this as soon as you are or anyone else you trust is able to do so.

    Possibly it could just be a case of resting up for a couple of weeks or so, and getting back on track with yourself. Make sure though that you avoid thinking about future requirements for the time being - distract yourself with pleasent movies, comedies, music, reading or whatever else makes you feel good spirited.

    One tip finally, is learn to continually use deep gentle pelvic breathing as it reduces stress and calms the mind. Imagine in a sense that your lungs are below your belly-button and just keep on breathing gently as if this is actually the case. I have found from and with many others that this realy helps.


  • Hi LilySnape,

    Have you seen a doctor to discuss these feelings of dissociation? If not I would encourage you to as soon as you can. Dissociative symptoms like the ones you describe can be quite serious (although they might not be necessarily - I am not a doctor). Although I'll leave the thread up for people to give their own advice, this is something that requires a professional medical opinion. It might be a good idea to keep a diary of the times you lose memory or feel dissociated so that you have a record to show the doctor.

    Best wishes,

    Ross - mod