Ringing in ears

I have had ringing in my ears for some time now and went to see the doctor, who said it is tinnitus caused by anxiety.  As I am in the process of being assessed for an ASC I didn't mention this to her, as I don't yet have any result.  As I also experience other sensory difficulties I feel it could be linked to being oversensitive.  The doctor wants to treat me for anxiety.  Does anyone have any experience of tinnitus as part of sensory issues or anxiety?  Are the 2 part of the same equation?

Thank you in advance.

  • I have tinnitus also, it doesn't bother me that I know about but it's been apart of my life since childhood. I also experienced a medical condition that if I got up from sleeping my vision would go all blurry and I'd feel dizzy, forgot what that's called.

    My dad also has tinnitus, he thinks it was cause by working in loud environments but I never did as a kid yet still had it. I believe it's a totally genetic predisposition.

  • I have tinnitus also, it doesn't bother me that I know about but it's been apart of my life since childhood. I also experienced a medical condition that if I got up from sleeping my vision would go all blurry and I'd feel dizzy, forgot what that's called.

    My dad also has tinnitus, he thinks it was cause by working in loud environments but I never did as a kid yet still had it. I believe it's a totally genetic predisposition.

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