Hello to anyone that reads this . I was diagnosed with aspergers back in 2018 but i guess my struggle has been since i was born.
im 25 now and for a while now i’ve found myself struggling to iniatiate and hold friendships , everyday i spend my time indoors not talking to anyone and find my self spending time scrolling through social media or playing video games to fill my day .
i struggled with my emotions whilst i was in school and college so never had friends from either guess i left a negative impression of myself .
i think im quite “nerdy “ but have alway’s struggled finding friends in those hobbies , im very much into gaming and have found myself wanting to get into something called warhammer 40k.
spending my days feeling like a ghost in solitary confinement is starting to severly effect my mental health to the point everyday i want to cry and feel like I shouldn’t be here .
my question is , is there anyone who has advice on what i can do to cope with this or ways i can make friends ?
I know with autism/aspergers it’s a struggle but surely being this alone isn’t normal ?