Any spiritual beliefs?

I was raised christian but never really felt it, too metaphorical and poetical for my literal ass. I dont subsicribe to any religion but i like the idea of reincarnation, the idea that everyone is comprised of both a physical body and a spiritual body, like some kind of soul that can exist detached from the physical body. Reincarnation makes sense to me because many things on our earth happen in a cyclical fashion, the moon, tides, seasons ect. So its interesting to think life and death could function as a cycle as well, but i'm not sure we have much chance of getting reincarnated as human every time like a lot of people seem to think. More likely when I die ill come back as a cyanobacteria or a blob fish or something. What about u guys?

  • I'm not really religious, but I do have spiritual beliefs. I do think that reincarnation is a thing. 

  • Me to Herge, I nevr really understood it, it was just one of those odd thins school made us do.

    I found mysef being drawn towards Paganism in my early 20's and have felt the need to be anything else, my belief's continue to evolve, but that's OK for us as we have no set liturgy or book or anything, we're encouraged to find our own personal relationship with our Gods and Goddesses. I do believe in reincarnation, I think I always have, it was just something that always made sense ot me. But it really became a firm belief after my son was born and I could see this other soul looking out of the eyes of a baby only hours old, looking at the world he's been born into.

  • Me to Herge, I nevr really understood it, it was just one of those odd thins school made us do.

    I found mysef being drawn towards Paganism in my early 20's and have felt the need to be anything else, my belief's continue to evolve, but that's OK for us as we have no set liturgy or book or anything, we're encouraged to find our own personal relationship with our Gods and Goddesses. I do believe in reincarnation, I think I always have, it was just something that always made sense ot me. But it really became a firm belief after my son was born and I could see this other soul looking out of the eyes of a baby only hours old, looking at the world he's been born into.

  • I had a similar experience. When my nephew was born, he was crying, but when he grabbed the finger I was holding out to him, he immediately stopped, and looked up at me with his big eyes, that just seemed so otherworldly. And then even before he had any teeth, he had a huge sense of humor. He was only half a year old when he started playfully splashing water at others and smushing people beneath pillows just for the fun of it. Where did he learn this humor from? Not from us! He didn't start out as blank slate. I'm sure there's more to it than that.

    I also had some fears that I've just always had by default, that there wasn't a situation in my life caused those fears to happen, and they were just always there. And they were only rectified when I did a past life regression, and I brought those fears up to the surface, and I saw a different place, a different time, and I was a different person of a different race and culture. It showed me the location of where I lived, who I was, and the family I had. Then it flashed and showed the trauma of how I passed away, which was still the fear I had been living with. After I came to terms with it, the fear was turned into relief, and it no longer bothered me.