Struggling to change my diet routine and cut out caffeine

I'm wanting to make some changes in my life as I currently lead an unhealthy lifestyle and it's ruining my life. I've just turned twenty seven and all I drink is coke and I eat way too much sweet stuff. Luckily I'm really thin still but I think the coca cola especially is affecting my health negatively, I get a lot of abdominal discomfort and bloating, dizziness and at times extremely tired. 

Recently I noticed I've been suffering these symptoms more, and an increase in my anxiety which is becoming increasingly difficult to manage so I've decided to try and make some changes. But I think because of the autism I'm struggling to change my routine so this is proving more difficult than I thought. I looked up withdrawal symptoms online and that's scared me a little because some people can experience really bad effects. My own fault of course but it's something I'm going to try and do gradually. 

If anyone's been through this and has any advice or suggestions I would greatly appreciate your own experience with this. 

It's going to be a long road ahead I think but it's going to be worth it in the long run I'm sure.

  • I looked up withdrawal symptoms online and that's scared me a little

    It sounds like you may end up with anxiety causing some of these symptoms if you believe you will suffer from the same.

    I found that coming off high caffeine leves was most likely to cause headaches so I just took some tablets when the symptoms presented (like you would with any headache) and this took care of them.

    Keeping busy seems to help, ideally with something you enjoy so there is no need to need to find the energy to do it.

    Also planning it helps with the changes for us - set your schedule to drop one can/cup every 4 days or so over a period of a few weeks and replace it with water - fizzy water with a little cordial can help but try to do this as a stepping stone to just not having anything other than water and a caffinated drink twice a day over the course of about 3 weeks.

    Doing it slowly will make your body cope better with the changes and reduce symptoms so nothing to stress about.

    Having a plan you can follow, check off to build confidence and see ahead will make the changes easier to cope with.

    And try to eat some fruit - ideally nothing sugary like oranges or mango and keep this in moderation too. Slight smile

  • I looked up withdrawal symptoms online and that's scared me a little

    It sounds like you may end up with anxiety causing some of these symptoms if you believe you will suffer from the same.

    I found that coming off high caffeine leves was most likely to cause headaches so I just took some tablets when the symptoms presented (like you would with any headache) and this took care of them.

    Keeping busy seems to help, ideally with something you enjoy so there is no need to need to find the energy to do it.

    Also planning it helps with the changes for us - set your schedule to drop one can/cup every 4 days or so over a period of a few weeks and replace it with water - fizzy water with a little cordial can help but try to do this as a stepping stone to just not having anything other than water and a caffinated drink twice a day over the course of about 3 weeks.

    Doing it slowly will make your body cope better with the changes and reduce symptoms so nothing to stress about.

    Having a plan you can follow, check off to build confidence and see ahead will make the changes easier to cope with.

    And try to eat some fruit - ideally nothing sugary like oranges or mango and keep this in moderation too. Slight smile

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