Can’t tell whether I’m hungry or not?

Hello, all Slight smile

I find it hard to tell whether I’m hungry or not. It’s a very weird instance in that, if I’ve already had food earlier in the day, as it progresses to later on, it feels like I’m hungry and full at the same time (if that makes any sense). 

Is there any way I can tell; sometimes I’ll make something, and get halfway through it before I realise I was never hungry in the first place, or I’m in bed after brushing my teeth (which is my hard-line ‘no food beyond this point’ boundary) and realise I am actually hungry. 

Any advice? Slight smile

  • My initial thought is this could be the result of unknown allergies. I had this feeling before I cut out gluten from my diet, but as I then discovered, my father had issues as did my great grandfather. 

    I have heard that the bodies inability to digest something properly will mean an added inability to properly distribute nutrition to where it needs to go. You may be left with a feeling of being malnourished yet being 'full'. I sometimes think of our gut like a distribution centre, sending things off for conversion and such. So, unmanned there's just a back load of packages going nowhere and then not really broken apart and sent off to where they need to be. 

  • Oh, I’ve never really considered that before. That said, I really hope it isn’t that! I don’t eat a great range of foods anyway, so I would hate to have to cut anything out Disappointed

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  • It's not as bad as you think! But could be worth getting an allergy test. 

    there are so many foods on the planet. An interesting discovery I've made is my perfect diet (would've never discovered this) is probably what my ancestors ate: sea things, nuts, berries, daisy family leaves and tubers. And because I've cut out most grains, legumes and brassicas, I can digest milk. I eat all meat. But I don't really miss anything. I sometimes wish I could go anywhere and let the chef make whatever, but just one luxury I'll have to forgo in life haha