Pop quiz! Do you like going out shopping?

I'm just writing to a well known food chain, advising them of some shortcomings I am experiencing with their home delivery process.

Post Pandemic, I've realised just how much I utterly hated going "shopping" and I realised we are really invested now in home delivery!

(So much, that I'm actually attempting to get the process to work a bit better) 

I wondered if it's just me, or is this a more universal Autism thing?

For those of you who don't like to post or vote, this is a very simple question, and you can possibly excercise a bit of power if you have a strong feeling about shopping.

We constitute about 1/50th of the population if I have my facts correct, (I may not when it comes to that number) so IF we turn out to be "all of one mind" it's worth "niche influencers" like myself (I KNOW companies, and even lawmakers, can be influenced by a well written complaint, as I've been doing it for years! I claim credit for killing a Kellogs ad campaign in the nineties with a particularly vitriolic communication to the right department and the part of U.K. drone law that lets your kids (and me!) fly a toy in your own back garden... 

Complaining is like planting seeds, and waiting to see which ones sprout. For those who are lacking in funds and powerless it's a very cheap hobby, too.

You just have to do it creatively, and not "whine"...

So how do YOU feel about a trip to the shops?

  • With this thread about shopping fresh on my mind, I went to buy milk this evening from my local supermarket which closes at 9pm. I left the shop at 8pm and was immediately accosted by a beggar asking for change.

  • Isuppose so, but it's the dread of being observed, knowing they're coming to talk to you, it has to be you since there is nobody else there

  • I don't think I've done a DIY shop before but nice one, glad it went well and you survived *gives shiny medal* Medal

    Someone must like that music... I don't know who, but someone lol.

  • You miss the experience of the smell of the old books, climbing up wonky wooden stairs in the back of the shop, the worn out carpets which are a health and safety hazard.  The characters that frequent these stores.

  • When I used to do Christmas shopping in shops it also used to annoy me that they make more narrower isles. I just give up if it's crowded.

  • there are websites selling used books from closed down libraries and bookshops, that's where I buy

    Small shops where there is only me and someone working there scare me, because they always try to approach you, it's easier to hide in a crowd and be invisible

  • I tend to be the opposite; ordering Vinyl online, as there isn't much independent choice in Northern Ireland.

  • I also enjoy independent second hand book shops, but unfortunately many have closed down.  Most are owned and managed by one person who wears smelly pullovers full of holes, the old wooden floorboards creak and you get that distinctive smell.

    Recently I visited second hand book shops in Otley, Knaresborough, Harrogate, Scarborough and Daisy lane books in Holmfirth, that shop appeared in Last of the summer wine and it exists in reality.

  • I adore charity shops, the vinyl and dvds especially Grinning books as well

  • I like shopping, but am quick with it; as I know what I want.

    My Gran, and now my Artist Friend, always go on about how I hurry them up. I believe that my Artist Friend is more Aspie than me. He always goes on about Lidl's Checkouts going too quick. Also, ongoing gripes about the prices. (Welcome to the World run by US Democrats)

    I do, however, get frustrated at how much junk is available; whenever I seek something instant. It's either fruit, or a Pot Noodle, for me; as well as the occasional Protein Bar.

  • I enjoy shopping, but only in certain shops at certain times.  So when I stick to these rules I'm ok.

    The times I like is when they are not too busy, early morning or the last hour before closing.( Not Sundays, local supermarket is packed on Sunday afternoons).

    Some shops are just a pleasure to wonder about.  Others are not.

  • A trip to physical shops can overwhelm me so much that I don't often go nowadays, maybe a couple of times a month if that.

    Online shopping meets most shopping needs in a much more convenient and less stressful manner. As far as non food shopping is concerned I very rarely visit shops at all and get everything online. 

    However shopping for food online does tend to be more expensive. If I visit physical stores at the right time of day I can get yellow stickered reduced items. Rather than large, busy, noisy supermarkets I prefer smaller grocery stores, such as Heron Foods and Farmfoods. They tend to be quieter, as well as being much better value than traditional supermarkets.

    When I do go shopping I try to go midweek afternoons, usually quieter. As much as possible I avoid going during school holidays and in the run up to Christmas. I also try to avoid lunch times and school finishing times.

    Even choosing my shopping times so carefully I can still get overloaded and overwhelmed. So many things are not autistic friendly - lights, bleeping tills, announcements, music, noisy children, other customers treating shopping like a social event, etc.

    I have a set route I tend to follow and if they start changing things around it stresses me greatly. I try to stay focussed and block out noise but it isn't easy. Sometimes if it gets too much I will just dump my basket and leave without buying anything.

    There I some stores I hate going in more than others, due to the very loud noise from the bleeping tills. Aldi is a prime example, I can hear them before I'm even through the door and with my ear plugs in.

    I don't like it when checkout operators try to chat. I am already trying to multitask on so many things that it is another overwhelming demand. I am already trying to unload shopping, check prices, pay and pack my shopping. I can't cope with anything else as well. My default response is to just smile and nod, regardless of what they say. I usually don't bother taking my earplugs out at the till, so I've no idea what they are saying.

    You'd think that self service tills might be more autism friendly but they aren't, not in my experience anyway. The automated voice is just so loud and demanding. The system gives you seconds to bag something before announcing "unexpected item in the bagging area" loudly to the entire store Confounded Then, as if that wasn't enough, the lights start flashing as well! Using these almost always needs some sort of human intervention from a member of staff.

  • Oh well done! A DIY trip drives me mad. They never have what I need.

  • I suspect you are asking in the wrong place...

    My theorising: NTs don't like silence/quiet? They like to have some background noise in case people can overhear their conversations? Maybe shops have done studies that show they make more profit with music on? I have no idea if they actually like it and not sure whether I know any to ask!

  • I have never understood why a shop needs music, I refer to it as ‘ magicians music’, it’s nearly as annoying as listening to nondescript ‘ on hold music’ on telephones.  It’s worse at Christmas when I’m tired , shopping late at night and Wizard are singing non stop ‘ I wish it could be Christmas everyday’

  • Just survived buying paint in B&Q without killing anyone (luckily for them they didn't stand too close to me).

    Also survived collecting items ordered from Sainsburys with the same result.

    Gave up on the idea of food shopping in M&S as I thought it might be too dangerous.

    2 actual shops with 2 items to buy/collect was more than enough.

    Thank goodness the internet was invented.

    Question 1:  why does piped music exist in shops?

    I have read that it exists in restaurants loud so that people don't hang about after their meal but surely shops want you to be comfortable enough to stay there.

    Question 2: do NT people actually like it?

  • Oh yes, the waste and the throw away mentality! Such a huge trigger for me too. I do prefer second hand or make my own.

  • I don't use that either - bit of a dinosaur! I just don't see why they can't do basic email.