Should I Seek Medical Attention Or Ignore Things?!


Lockdown 3 has been a little stressful but some strange things are happening in regards to my health which didn’t happen during the other two lockdowns. My monthly cycle stopped a couple of months ago and instead, replaced itself with tummy/hip/back spasms and a suspected urine infection which has now gone after I kept drinking a ton of water and cranberry juice. My body however randomly feels washed out and that someone has run me over with a tractor. I’ve lost some scalp hair and wake up 5-6 times in the night for no reason most of the time. I get some cramp aches sometimes but it’s more sharp, stabbing pains. Always feeling tired even after doing the littlest thing, nauseous, back ache. I’m definitely not pregnant as I’m single and haven’t been out of the family house at all except to do food shopping and sit in the garden. I do have IBS but it’s never stopped my cycles like this. My family and friends want me to go to A+E but I’ve laughed it off saying it’s nothing and that I have a strong fear of needles. I do take a daily vitamin tablet and haven’t missed any doses.

Any idea what I should do? Most of the doctors and NHS 111 in my area are useless and have had nasty experiences with them over the last few years!

  • Now, a deeper issue here could be you have been dismissed your whole life and are used to dismissing others and yourself. This may not be the case, but it is worth investigating, if not to learn to afford another's words value and to help them feel heard, as this is important when investing into a friendship. And at the end of the day, relationships are incredibly important to our well-being. Listening and affirming what needs fixing and then using available professional help, is a processing of maturing into a better human. x

  • I'm not sure why you've posted on here. Most everyone on this thread is genuinely concerned. This is not a healthy or intelligent response to - quite possibly very serious medical problems. You could be severely allergic to something you're consuming on a daily basis.

    I had to take gluten out of my diet - it not only caused intense pain and difficulty breathing, but left unchecked it's a horrid way to die. No matter what I ate, my body was barely able to take in nutrients BECAUSE of the gluten. I was anorexic and anaemic even though I could pack away entire meals. The human body is it's own "eco-system". if one thing is out of balance it could properly destroy everything else. 

    Some of what you're telling us are also side effects of cancer or polycystic kidney disease - but since I'm not a medical professional, I cannot tell you what the problem is exactly. 

    However, it's unfair to others here to sort of use and dispose of advice when asking for it. Some of us have a difficult time writing out thoughts and take time away from other matters to do so.  I might suggest just posting that you're not looking for advice on what to do, just sympathy for what sounds like serious medical problems. If something in your diet is causing this, it doesn't matter How much you eat or How often. It's a matter of What.

    Now, I was having some unknown issues during lockdown and had no problem getting my blood taken and giving a urine sample and emailing my concerns to my GP. If yours is being as disgraceful toward you as you are being to those here who are concerned for your health, you need to find someone else or report them.

    I apologise if this sounds a bit stern, my darling. But complaining about a wardrobe choice while negating everyones advice is a better form for this sort of behaviour. 

  • Update- still have frequent back pain or stomach ache. No longer drinking fruit juice. Having vitamins each day. Swelling on the gut, have put on weight. Managed to volunteer 4 days this week. No sign of cycle. No burning when peeing. Definitely not pregnant. Having 3 meals a day with snacks in between each one.

  • What? That's not right. Call them anyways about your health issue. It doesn't seem right that they only accept covid patents while they ignore every other health issue. And if they don't help you, just get someone to go with you to the hospital. Understandably you'll be scared and anxious, but the doctors have the skills and knowledge that we forum dwellers don't have. 

  • Sadly my GP doesn’t do this. I don’t believe I have a UTI anymore.

  • Don’t worry, I don’t have an eating disorder. Still eating 3 regular meals a day with snacks and fluids but thanks for your concern.

  • My GP is only dealing with Covid related stuff at the moment, so sadly I’m unable to call them up unless I was to lie and say that I might have Covid Disappointed

  • I definitely have IBS and have been aware of it since I was 5 or 6 years old but my symptoms have changed lately, which is what is worrying me a little bit. I’ll look into changing my multivitamins. 

  • Just a thought. With my GP surgery if you think that you have a UTI you take in a urine sample. You don't have to see anyone. You hand the sample over. You will have to get a plastic sample tube first or do what I do and take it in a glass jar and pour into the plastic sample tube in the toilet, (or street if they won't actually let you into the surgery, which happened to me recently, my surgery can be mean too). A nurse will test to see if you have the infection and if you do you will be prescribed antibiotics. The sample then gets sent to a lab so that they can check that you are on the right antibiotics or if further investigation is necessary.

    Please do look after yourself and get this checked out.

  • Disruption to the menstrual cycle is a sign of anorexia.

    Just saying!

  • I think you should call the doctor and just tell them your symptoms at least, and understandably you might not like medical staff very much, but I think that you've tried to handle your health all on your own for awhile now, and you've done everything you thought would help you, with the cranberry juice and daily vitamin tablets and things like that, but it could be an issue that takes more than those things can cure, so it'll be good to get those issues looked at by a doctor. 

  • I'm not giving medial anything.. IBS/digestive issues are very common amoung ASD--it sucks. In spring/summer--I need additional hydration with reverse osmosis/distilled CLEAN water w/added trace minerals. If it were me, I'd start with electrolyte packets (emergen-c sweetened w/fruit juice) and magnesium citrate, along with a mutli-vitamin. If after a wk or two I didn't improve,I'd make it to the dr. & get blood work done. I can't stand Dr's either, I usually go in with a solid plan & I don't divert---if the Dr doesn't allow/roll with it--I pick another Dr. I'm sorry you are going through this!

  • UTI's can be a sign of Kidney Issues - as well as back pain. But these added symptoms can point to numerous grave issues. I do hope you have sought proper medical advice!! Hopefully, it turns out to be something easily fixed. 

  • Yep, most of the GPs in my area are rubbish!

  • Yep! Can't handle medical environments either. I so wish I had a magic wand to make that fear go away.

    It does sound like you need a more sympathetic GP though. They are all pushed for time, but they do need to take the trouble to understand why being there is hard for you. I wrote to mine, explaining it.

  • It’s just the fears of being in a medical setting that scare me enormously. Have to agree sadly about NHS. They’ve been great with Covid patients but not others and their needs!

  • Always seek medical attention if you don’t feel right. Don’t get fobbed off, keep asking questions, going back for follow ups and insisting on further investigation until you’re satisfied.

    The NHS is a shambles and you have to do half of their job for them.

  • I do get hot sweats but that’s because I always have my bedroom heating on the maximum setting. A family member did check my temperature the other day and came back normal. 

  • That doesn’t necessarily mean it hadn’t already made it to your kidneys though. Have you had a high temperature at all? I understand your reluctance to phone your GP but it worries me that if you do have an untreated kidney infection or thyroid problem you could become very seriously ill