Autistic Partner and Fertility Issues

I was just wondering if anyone has experienced going through fertility issues with an autistic partner, and if you had any tips with dealing with the journey. 

My partner has anxiety and a huge fear over going to the doctors in general and he does keep trying to push back on getting anything booked in. We have discussed this for six months as I’ve been trying to let him know in advance what will be happening, as he likes to be aware of things in advance, but I feel like the fear will take over and he’ll not get to his appointments. I just want to make him feel as comfortable as possible for the road ahead. 

Are there any resources that people could recommend to help ease the pressure for him and maybe help calm his anxiety over visiting the doctors/hospital? 

  • maybe he will be ok this time ---- put up a calendar and mark the dates on it so he can easily see when they are  ---- 

    i not sure what he needs to to prepare but if there is any preparation. sit down and make a list with him of things he needs to do.

    ask him to make a list of his concerns and issues with the process, this list would maybe end up as questions for the doctors 

  • maybe he will be ok this time ---- put up a calendar and mark the dates on it so he can easily see when they are  ---- 

    i not sure what he needs to to prepare but if there is any preparation. sit down and make a list with him of things he needs to do.

    ask him to make a list of his concerns and issues with the process, this list would maybe end up as questions for the doctors 

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