Having second thoughts

Seriously thinking about asking to be taken off the waiting list for assessment.

All of this getting too much for me. I just wish I'd not started this process now.

Even getting CBT to help me with the anxiety is causing me more trouble than its worth.  

I just don't know where to go from here. 

  • Thanks for the tip on the book on mindfulness Slight smile

  • Even getting CBT to help me with the anxiety is causing me more trouble than its worth.

    Personally I have never done well with CBT, now I would never say that you shouldn't do it because it does work for some people but I had much better results with Mindfulness, the NHS do the 8 week courses of Mindfulness based stress reduction; I started the course with the NHS but then the person running it left so I had to work out how to do it on my own so I found the book 8 weeks to mindfulness by Michael Chaskalson. 

    Michael Chaskalson is the person who devised the course for the NHS so he is quite credible, its best to read the book but you can download the Mindfulness exercises for free as podcasts if you search apple for them. 

    But I wouldn't take your name off the list, you have come this far, hang in with it just little while longer. :) 

  • Normally if I feel anxious about doing something I weigh up whether the pros outweigh the cons. If they do then I go ahead, if not then I might consider cancelling or rearranging. I would also be looking at the potential long term positives to be gained from doing something that might make me anxious. So, in your case, perhaps write a list of the negatives of going ahead with assessment and another list of the positives and also a list of the long term benefits of getting a diagnosis then use this information to make your decision?

  • I'd stick with it - you need the closure of a diagnosis - or not.    At that point you can make real decisions - everything else is just shooting in the dark.