"NeuroDiversity"... means Psychopaths and Sociopaths, too (nowadays).

"NeuroDiversity"... means Psychopaths and Sociopaths, too, now.
Just in case anyone here might not know.
Just in case I am not believed, here are links. (But also just type "NeuroDiversity +Psychopath and/or +Sociopath into your Search Engine to bring up lots of results.)
These do also admit that "ND" was a term originally coined by Autistics... but since then, the Psychopaths have adopted it, too.

Autistics worry and care... Socio/Psycho-paths do not. That is supposed to be the difference.



...I am Autistic, and I have to live with a person of one of those other types stated, there (My so-called 'Brother'). This is the reason why I post less of late... and I may eventually have to leave this Forum completely.

Now you all know.

  • DC please look after yourself, 

    I would dearly love to meet you one day, maybe we will?

     I want to copy and paste BlueRay’s words, they are as if my own towards how I feel about you,

     we grew to have an understanding, unique in many ways, but we kind of got each other enough to know we were both ok, 

    I do hope and wish things improve for you not get worse, 

     your amazing and I know sometime times my getting to close I can cause you to scuttle off. 

    ( The rest of my reply to DC is below my reply to BlueRay, seems I pasted two replies instead of one, unable to move them about sorry)


    My reply to BlueRay was supposed to be and is in another thread but is fitting as it is about leaving)

    BlueRay please don’t leave, you are entitled to your thoughts and beliefs as much as any one else, yes often misunderstandings occcur, How I see you is you are trying to be you, I am also aware  that takes a massive amount of courage,

     I can only try to believe in myself, my past dictates how  that will be, 

     carry on being you, if your words do sound as telling others , then so be it, it isn’t by the way, it is you trying to have strength in your belief in yourself, take that away and there is nothing, 

    everyone on here tries as best we can to understand each other, we mostly all have underlying reasons to vent, how our beliefs are structured, we cope as best we can with whatever little we have left,

     some turn to religion in order to believe,

     some turn to hatred for those that slighted them, you need to have love , to deny those that throughout your life caused you pain and suffering, you need to let go of it, it is you being  you, you must do whatever you must to stop that, you are, it may not be what others need or agree with but I respect your beliefs because it is what YOU need and is all you can BE. 

     I do see how you think, I agree with most of it, not all, but I know you have spent eighteen months in complete and utter shut down, to arise from that like a phoenix you can only do, believe and be what you can. 

    I accept all in here for who they are, I don’t need to agree with them, but they have as much right to exist as me.

     I hope we can all just stop and see that none of us wishes to upset another, we do our best, we support one another, we need to be strong, try to understand why each person holds there belief and see that as their way of coping, 

    The many conversations we have wander off topic, why not, if the original post allows someone to talk freely about issues how they have then fine, it also allows me to see why they struggle or how they are trying to make sense of life, I too am struggling, I get support from people in here,

     long may it continue and can we have a massive group hug , without lots of misunderstandings.



    (The continuation of my reply to DC, seems I pasted two replies here? unable to move them to where they belong, First part to DC and the but above to BlueRay, both have meaning as both wish or may have to leave here,)

    s I go to far with my words telling you how brilliant you are, I actually have to try and say less than what I believe, your just a good person who has a unique wit and ability to give kindness and understand in only the best way, your way, you, unique and winderful you.

     Now I imagine you running away as I have said to many kind things, sorry, but I am no threat what so ever to you, 8 just say what I see and believe in you. 

     Take care my FRIEND, and catch you soon. 


    ( heavily edited due to it being two separate replies, spelling was atrocious, typing fast, I hope it is now readable, I also hope we can all see that none of us deliberately try to cause upset, yes we struggle, but together we find strength, understanding, everyone brings something to this family, long may it continue. 


  • DC please look after yourself, 

    I would dearly love to meet you one day, maybe we will?

     I want to copy and paste BlueRay’s words, they are as if my own towards how I feel about you,

     we grew to have an understanding, unique in many ways, but we kind of got each other enough to know we were both ok, 

    I do hope and wish things improve for you not get worse, 

     your amazing and I know sometime times my getting to close I can cause you to scuttle off. 

    ( The rest of my reply to DC is below my reply to BlueRay, seems I pasted two replies instead of one, unable to move them about sorry)


    My reply to BlueRay was supposed to be and is in another thread but is fitting as it is about leaving)

    BlueRay please don’t leave, you are entitled to your thoughts and beliefs as much as any one else, yes often misunderstandings occcur, How I see you is you are trying to be you, I am also aware  that takes a massive amount of courage,

     I can only try to believe in myself, my past dictates how  that will be, 

     carry on being you, if your words do sound as telling others , then so be it, it isn’t by the way, it is you trying to have strength in your belief in yourself, take that away and there is nothing, 

    everyone on here tries as best we can to understand each other, we mostly all have underlying reasons to vent, how our beliefs are structured, we cope as best we can with whatever little we have left,

     some turn to religion in order to believe,

     some turn to hatred for those that slighted them, you need to have love , to deny those that throughout your life caused you pain and suffering, you need to let go of it, it is you being  you, you must do whatever you must to stop that, you are, it may not be what others need or agree with but I respect your beliefs because it is what YOU need and is all you can BE. 

     I do see how you think, I agree with most of it, not all, but I know you have spent eighteen months in complete and utter shut down, to arise from that like a phoenix you can only do, believe and be what you can. 

    I accept all in here for who they are, I don’t need to agree with them, but they have as much right to exist as me.

     I hope we can all just stop and see that none of us wishes to upset another, we do our best, we support one another, we need to be strong, try to understand why each person holds there belief and see that as their way of coping, 

    The many conversations we have wander off topic, why not, if the original post allows someone to talk freely about issues how they have then fine, it also allows me to see why they struggle or how they are trying to make sense of life, I too am struggling, I get support from people in here,

     long may it continue and can we have a massive group hug , without lots of misunderstandings.



    (The continuation of my reply to DC, seems I pasted two replies here? unable to move them to where they belong, First part to DC and the but above to BlueRay, both have meaning as both wish or may have to leave here,)

    s I go to far with my words telling you how brilliant you are, I actually have to try and say less than what I believe, your just a good person who has a unique wit and ability to give kindness and understand in only the best way, your way, you, unique and winderful you.

     Now I imagine you running away as I have said to many kind things, sorry, but I am no threat what so ever to you, 8 just say what I see and believe in you. 

     Take care my FRIEND, and catch you soon. 


    ( heavily edited due to it being two separate replies, spelling was atrocious, typing fast, I hope it is now readable, I also hope we can all see that none of us deliberately try to cause upset, yes we struggle, but together we find strength, understanding, everyone brings something to this family, long may it continue. 


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