
So I don't have natural tics but I sometimes will twitch my head or arms because it feels good and helps me take stress better but my parents think its weird because I don't have the kind of tics where you can't control it. does anyone else have something similar?

  • I was told years ago that I had a “Functional Movement Disorder.” Before I even twigged I had possible ASD.

    Makes me think now.  It is primarily tics.

  • I love spinning round on the spot when I am excited. It feels so food. I do it almost automatically.

    I have learned to stop myself doing this in the public places. This is so sad as think this is natural for me.

  • I don't have the kind of tics where you can't control it. does anyone else have something similar?

    Greetings. If you are ASD, then this sort of thing is part of the Autism Diagnostic Criteria, and is referred to as "Stimming". Enter that word into any Web Browser and you may find out more about it, if you were unaware. There are all sorts of "Stimming", and all sorts of Social Tolerance for it. And... If you already knew all of that, then Sorry about that...!

  • When I was a child, I loved spinning round on the spot, not only because it felt good, but because it kept other children literally at arm's length, unless they wanted to risk a slap in the face. I could choose not to do it, but the compulsion was very strong.

    Nowadays, I only do it occasionally and in the privacy of my own home, but it still feels good. Under stress, in a public place, I go and hide in the toilet or something instead, because  I'm more conscious of what looks "normal", and what I can get away with. If unable to leave, I resort to tapping my fingers on my legs (they make very little sound that way), or scratching my index finger with my thumbnail. . Both these are "leftovers" from childhood as well, but are under my control.

  • I don't have involuntary tics either.

    I have some actions (rubbing or tapping my ears) leftover from childhood, that I do either:

    1) only when I'm particularly tired or ...

    2) when I'm stressed. 

    On either occasion these small actions are soothing / comforting things that I have complete control over. They also have the practical benefit of blocking out most noises.