To declare or not to declare at interview

I appear as a 'normie' on first contact and have recently started to declare my ASD at interviews. However, I wonder if this is a good idea because I worry it will give employers the wrong impression about me... but if I don't tell them and problems emerge later...

  • Yes, same here. I decided not to, unless there was a question where not telling would be lying. Think my biggest concern is that people would make lots of assumptions what this means but wouldn't actually ask and there wouldn't be enough time to give a useful answer anyway. They didn't ask, so I didn't say anything. I hope it will work out, so far it's going fine. Guess it depends a lot on the kind of environment you end up in and on individuals you work with, the first you do know about a bit, the second it very hard to predict or to figure out quickly... 

    How do you actually bring this up? Think even if I had wanted to tell them I wouldn't have found any point during the interviews where it would have fitted.

  • Yes, same here. I decided not to, unless there was a question where not telling would be lying. Think my biggest concern is that people would make lots of assumptions what this means but wouldn't actually ask and there wouldn't be enough time to give a useful answer anyway. They didn't ask, so I didn't say anything. I hope it will work out, so far it's going fine. Guess it depends a lot on the kind of environment you end up in and on individuals you work with, the first you do know about a bit, the second it very hard to predict or to figure out quickly... 

    How do you actually bring this up? Think even if I had wanted to tell them I wouldn't have found any point during the interviews where it would have fitted.
