What is your personality type?

Handi-andis raised this on another thread and I thought it might be interesting to see if we all have radically different personality types, or very similar ones.

You can take the test at 16personalities.com, it's a free online test and will tell you at the end what your personality type is, and give you some descriptions of how people similar to you think and behave. You don't have to pay for the Premium version.

I did the test before I discovered I had autism, and when I did some training on autism discovered that my personality type and the description of how autism affects people to be very similar. My wife also found it really useful (for herself and for me). I find my personality type is very descriptive of me.

As well as finding out what you're good at, you find out what types of thing you struggle with, so that you can understand yourself better. It helped me see what my brain was good at processing, and what my brain isn't good at processing, so I can make sure I excel with my strengths and then get other people to do the things I struggle with Smiley

Post your type here if you'd like to take part.

I got INTJ - The Architect. I'd be interested in finding out yours!

  • Former Member
    Former Member

    I have David Kiersey's book "Please Understand me II".  He groups the 16 types into four categories based on original descriptions by Plato in "The Republic":

    * SPs - Artisans: Tend to become masters in the making of solid, practical things.

    * SJs - Guardians: They keep watch over the activities as well as the attitudes of the people in their circle.  Rely on common sense and hold morally correct beliefs, and alert to both the needs and perils of others.

    * NFs - Idealists: Serve a philosophic function in society, to divine moral principles and the full meaning of life.

    * NTs - The Rationals: Serve the function of studying nature and figuring out ways to understand/harness/tame it.

    If you're interested in this sort of thing you might find it interesting.  He has his own type sorting questionnaire - "The Kiersey Personality Sorter" which is given in the book with the scoring key. 

  • Former Member
    Former Member

    I have David Kiersey's book "Please Understand me II".  He groups the 16 types into four categories based on original descriptions by Plato in "The Republic":

    * SPs - Artisans: Tend to become masters in the making of solid, practical things.

    * SJs - Guardians: They keep watch over the activities as well as the attitudes of the people in their circle.  Rely on common sense and hold morally correct beliefs, and alert to both the needs and perils of others.

    * NFs - Idealists: Serve a philosophic function in society, to divine moral principles and the full meaning of life.

    * NTs - The Rationals: Serve the function of studying nature and figuring out ways to understand/harness/tame it.

    If you're interested in this sort of thing you might find it interesting.  He has his own type sorting questionnaire - "The Kiersey Personality Sorter" which is given in the book with the scoring key. 

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