What is your personality type?

Handi-andis raised this on another thread and I thought it might be interesting to see if we all have radically different personality types, or very similar ones.

You can take the test at 16personalities.com, it's a free online test and will tell you at the end what your personality type is, and give you some descriptions of how people similar to you think and behave. You don't have to pay for the Premium version.

I did the test before I discovered I had autism, and when I did some training on autism discovered that my personality type and the description of how autism affects people to be very similar. My wife also found it really useful (for herself and for me). I find my personality type is very descriptive of me.

As well as finding out what you're good at, you find out what types of thing you struggle with, so that you can understand yourself better. It helped me see what my brain was good at processing, and what my brain isn't good at processing, so I can make sure I excel with my strengths and then get other people to do the things I struggle with Smiley

Post your type here if you'd like to take part.

I got INTJ - The Architect. I'd be interested in finding out yours!


    seems there is a link of sorts with Aspergers, the only type that has that link, having read about it several times I still cannot workout in my cloudy mind today wether being INTP-T can present as Aspergers? But isn’t a case you are.

    Or being Aspergers can show signs of being INTP-T personality type, but just happens to share common traits?

    Sorry but my mind is not very balanced of late so I just keep going over and over the words and it is just confusing me.

    I will say the description is pretty much spot on.

  • Another INTP here..

    seems there is a link of sorts with Aspergers, the only type that has that link, having read about it several times I still cannot workout in my cloudy mind today wether being INTP-T can present as Aspergers? But isn’t a case you are.
    Or being Aspergers can show signs of being INTP-T personality type, but just happens to share common traits?

    What was it you were reading? The INTP type description on 16Personlities? Or something specific to Asperger's?

    There's definitely a personality component to autism, although given the variety of responses here, it's very rough. I'm slightly surprised how many agreeable Feeling types. Preferring to making difficult decisions based on the feelings of others doesn't fit into the typical Aspie stereotype.

    I'll repeat the link I gave further up this thread:


    In INTP and INTJ internet communities, the question of a link between Asperger’s and type comes up over and over again. Several responses typically appear, namely:
    • “Suppose that Asperger’s is simply INT taken to an extreme?”

    • “I’m an INT and I have this problem.”
    • “You’re misdiagnosed.”
    • “I’m an INT and I have a sibling/acquaintance/friend who has this problem and there is definitely something wrong there.”
    • “I know someone with Asperger's and I don't think they're an INT.”
    The reason that these questions keep coming up over and over is that many of the descriptions of Asperger's Syndrome symptoms read like a checklist for how to identify an INTP.
    • Lack of social skills? - Oh yeah.
    • Lack of empathy? - Depends on how hard the T in INTP is.
    • Flat, formal, advanced speech? - Yes
    • Obsessed with learning about certain interest areas - Absolutely
    • Talk a lot about their favorite subject - If you can find someone who will listen...
    • Above average sensitivity to tastes, noises, lights, etc – Has been found to describe all introverts: a drop of lemon juice placed on the tongue will cause an introvert to salivate more than an extravert. (1)
    • Measurable associations with math and science - No question about it
    It was found that ASD traits were correlated with IP and Neuroticism. Interestingly, the AQ test separates ASD traits out into five categories. Each category turned out to be correlated (strongly or weakly) to certain aspects of the Big Five.
    • Social skill (lack thereof): ITP
    • Attention switching (staying absorbed in one thing at length; wanting a plan and routine): ISFP + Neuroticism
    • Attention to details (noticing numbers, dates, small changes, details, patterns): ENJ
    • Communication (lack of conversation skills) : ISP + Neuroticism
    • Imagination (lack thereof): ISTP

    There appears to be evidence supporting a relationship between type INTP and Asperger's. Whether this relation is a matter of definition, degree, or actual concurrence remains to be seen.  The question of misdiagnosis should be taken very seriously, since some of the treatments for autism have been determined to be "torture" by civil rights groups, and the victims of "therapy" show symptoms of fullblown PTSD.

    I assume that 'therapy' refers to ABA and authoritarian schooling. There's also an informative page about INTPs being misdiagnosed with ADD. Fits me perfectly and is a reason for not getting ADHD as another label.

    From http://www.typelogic.com/intp.html:

    INTPs are pensive, analytical folks. They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them. ... INTPs are relatively easy-going and amenable to almost anything until their principles are violated, about which they may become outspoken and inflexible. ...  A major concern for INTPs is the haunting sense of impending failure. They spend considerable time second-guessing themselves. The open-endedness (from Perceiving) conjoined with the need for competence (NT) is expressed in a sense that one's conclusion may well be met by an equally plausible alternative solution, and that, after all, one may very well have overlooked some critical bit of data.
  • What was it you were reading? The INTP type description on 16Personlities? Or something specific to Asperger's?

    Thank you Cassandro it was the 16 personalities page I was reading.

    my head is in a bad place right now, I am struggling to just keep going. Too much in my mind causing major conflict. This stops me from seeing clearly and my brain starts to fog and I become less able to speak or think as I am unsure of my words or thoughts.

    I hope I have explained myself although looking at it again I just see descriptive words not actually what I am trying to convey!

    thank you.

  • What was it you were reading? The INTP type description on 16Personlities? Or something specific to Asperger's?

    Thank you Cassandro it was the 16 personalities page I was reading.

    my head is in a bad place right now, I am struggling to just keep going. Too much in my mind causing major conflict. This stops me from seeing clearly and my brain starts to fog and I become less able to speak or think as I am unsure of my words or thoughts.

    I hope I have explained myself although looking at it again I just see descriptive words not actually what I am trying to convey!

    thank you.

  • Yes, as BlueRay says, "Take rest Lonewarrior", I agree very much... Please  'Take Rest' before 'Rest takes You'... And Good Fortune to You from myself as well.

  • I think I understood you mostly. The question about the relationship between type and autistic traits is intrinsically confusing, and as the text I quoted shows, the answers just aren't known. Us INTPs may speculate until the cows come home.

    It can be hard when there's to much going on 'up there' to the point where things get confused and you tire your brain out.

    I'm going to take a few hours' break from the internet myself, I think, and get out somewhere even though I don't have anything planned. I hope you have a good afternoon.