Could you identify with what is said on these forums and NOT be on the spectrum?

I just wondered what anyone might think, there is just so much common ground and shared experience among the diversity.  I wonder if anyone NT could empathise with it all.  I can see why NT's might read some of it if they have partners or relatives on the spectrum and they are trying to understand, but I wonder if it makes sense to them. The fact that so many are finding their way here and finding kindred spirits and soul food seems like a form of diagnosis to me.  Anyone?

  • I think that perhaps common themes of alienation, confusion, shame, grief, frustration, isolation, disappointment, disillusionment, the eternal search for meaning, are very human traits that are not exclusive to NDs. And therefore can easily also feel deeply familiar and apply to NTs too, more often perhaps than some NDs may give them credit for.

  • I think that perhaps common themes of alienation, confusion, shame, grief, frustration, isolation, disappointment, disillusionment, the eternal search for meaning, are very human traits that are not exclusive to NDs. And therefore can easily also feel deeply familiar and apply to NTs too, more often perhaps than some NDs may give them credit for.

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