Adjustments in interviews

Hello.  I'm new here and I'm really hoping that someone can help.

Has anyone got any experience about asking for adjustments to the recruitment process, especially interviews?

I'm trying to help someone get a job and he is worried about not being able to answer questions in an interview situation even though he would be able to do the job itself well.

I've thought about asking for the interview questions in advance, but don't want to jeopardise his chances by putting off a potential employer.  He worries that it will look like he's 'cheating'.

We've looked at work placements which would lead to a job, but haven't had any success in getting him one.

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions that might help us?

Many thanks.


(Development worker)

  • This whole thing is a bit of a lottery. Some employers are good at this and some are not.

    My advice would be that a recuitment agent or someone else (e.g. yourself?) should talk to the employers HR department and do a bit a negotiation before the interview. If the employer won't play ball then they probably won't be a good employer for someone with autism - it is as important to find a suitable employer as it is for the candidate to show themselves as suitable for the role.

    Another option is to ask for this adjustment from one or two propsective employers and then review afterwards.

  • This whole thing is a bit of a lottery. Some employers are good at this and some are not.

    My advice would be that a recuitment agent or someone else (e.g. yourself?) should talk to the employers HR department and do a bit a negotiation before the interview. If the employer won't play ball then they probably won't be a good employer for someone with autism - it is as important to find a suitable employer as it is for the candidate to show themselves as suitable for the role.

    Another option is to ask for this adjustment from one or two propsective employers and then review afterwards.

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