Favourite / Reading of Books about Autism

Hi. So I tried the search for this topic, so I could add to the thread, but could only get subject headers from over 1 year ago. Help me out anyone that understands the search function better than me.

I am really enjoying my latest read: 

Why Can't I Just Enjoy Things?: A Comedian's Guide to Autism by Pierre Novellie (Author)  

  • This list is from the NAS website (I have been reading quite a number of them, although fiction tends not to be my personal preference).

  • I've never read any books on autism that I've found helpful, the only one I did like was, 'The Gendered Brain', by Gina Ripon, its a much more technical book on how biased many studies are.

  • Hi. Thanks for the recommendation. I will check it out. I really struggled with reading Neurotribes, so if it has a similar reading age I may audiobook it. x

  • Hi. Thanks for the recommendation. I will check it out. I really struggled with reading Neurotribes, so if it has a similar reading age I may audiobook it. x

  • I wondered what the point of Neurotribes was, I found it totally US based and that there was nothing for anyone else in the English speaking world worth reading in it.

    The Gendered Brain is a more academic book.