I know I'm unloveable
You don't have to tell me
And if I seem a little strange
Well, that's because I am
I know I'm unloveable
You don't have to tell me
And if I seem a little strange
Well, that's because I am
I have absolutely no attractive traits at all - I'm a weirdo, a geek and a hideous looking ***
I’m sure my cat disagrees.
Getting a pet is a pretty surefire way of finding something to love you - especially a dog.
Cats can be a bit less predictable but it varies with the individual.
When it comes to relationships with people then you have to learn how to communicate and interact and there is a lot of giving of yourself to the shared thing that is the "couple" - something I think a lot of autists really struggle with.
You have to weigh up whether the benefit of it is worth the cost to you at least in terms of energy - a lot of us really don't have what it takes to sustain that sort of commitment.
It’s easy to feel like this. I hope you’ll be able to see your surely wonderful self clearly one day.