What to do when my father dies.

Hi there.

I doubt I will get anywhere, but here goes. I am going to make an appointment with the local Citizens Advice Bureau and have contacted them about this, not heard anything yet though.

I am on the autistic spectrum and haven’t been able to hold down a job and financially support myself. Living with my father, and pay no bills and rent. I get UC and DLA. I have been signed off with “limited capacity” so that I don’t need to spend time looking for work or to do “work improvement” steps (although I do remote volunteering a few hours per week via my laptop).

So me and my father are the tenants of a 3 bedroom house owned by what was Grand Union housing association in Flitwick, Central Beds. We inherited this after my mother died and my sisters moved out of this family home years ago. I think we have “fallen through the cracks” of the system as there are 2 males in this 3 bedroom house and no one has challenged it all these years.

I want to know what will happen when my father dies and I am the only occupant left in the house (I think the rent is in my Dad’s name only with regards to the housing association) – will I need to vacate and find accommodation quickly? Would I be moved to a one bedroom flat? Will I be house in some way (temporary accommodation) if there is no accommodation available? I would rather not be homeless on the street. Is it possible to move into an autism support place, not a care home, but a flat/dwelling with warden support etc?

Will I simply inherit the house I live in and pay all the rent and rates on that. I could not afford that at the moment.

What steps do I need to take now? I ask this as my father nearly had a stroke yesterday morning. Apparently the blood thinning meds stopped this from developing. He is over 70 and has serious physical conditions. His time with us is limited. The local autism charity just said to get a carer's assessment for him. Absolutely useless response that did not answer any of my questions here.

Best wishes,

Neil Burrows

  • Yes, the Citizen's Advice Bureau sounds like a good idea.  I wouldn't worry too much about it at this stage, I believe that there are normally grace periods where they would leave you be a while following a bereavement and whether they moved you or not you'd be eligible for housing benefit and council tax reduction I'm sure.  There should also be help toward funeral costs at the time.

    But you aren;t there yet.  Do either you or your Dad have a social worker?  It could be worth while a discussion with them.

  • Good to see you back here Slight smile

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