Benefits of ADHD assessment when already have ASC

I've just been diagnosed as having Autistic Spectrum Condition. I'm a pensioner, and thought having a diagnosis would just clinch it for me in how I feel, how I am. I did this under "The Right To Choose".

However, my concluding assessment report suggests that my G.P considers me for a referral for a formal ADHD Diagnostic Assessment, as I presented with notable features. I'm using some of the reports terminology.

What would the benefits be of having an ADHD diagnosis on top of my ASC? I'm a bit confused at the moment. 

Thank You!


  • I’d be interested to hear responses to this too. I am diagnosed ASD but was also told it’s very likely I have ADD.

    From what I can see ADHD meds have the potential to massively improve my ability to focus and organise at work, but I was also told that the NHS may not accept a private diagnosis and therefore might not provide the meds without an NHS diagnosis, and the waiting list is now huge.

    As a pensioner do you think you would still have the same need for improved focus and ability to initiate tasks?

  • I’d be interested to hear responses to this too. I am diagnosed ASD but was also told it’s very likely I have ADD.

    From what I can see ADHD meds have the potential to massively improve my ability to focus and organise at work, but I was also told that the NHS may not accept a private diagnosis and therefore might not provide the meds without an NHS diagnosis, and the waiting list is now huge.

    As a pensioner do you think you would still have the same need for improved focus and ability to initiate tasks?
