Benefits of ADHD assessment when already have ASC

I've just been diagnosed as having Autistic Spectrum Condition. I'm a pensioner, and thought having a diagnosis would just clinch it for me in how I feel, how I am. I did this under "The Right To Choose".

However, my concluding assessment report suggests that my G.P considers me for a referral for a formal ADHD Diagnostic Assessment, as I presented with notable features. I'm using some of the reports terminology.

What would the benefits be of having an ADHD diagnosis on top of my ASC? I'm a bit confused at the moment. 

Thank You!


  • Hello Karin Mod

    Thank you. I've just watched both videos, and will look up the further info. I'm beginning to think I should ask for an ADHD assessment.I wanted the Peace of Mind which an Autism assessment would provide, to know the reason why I'm like I am. However, I now feel I can't ignore the ADHD part. I'll speak to my G.P to ask him te refer me. On another hand I feel guilty bothering him, wondering if I can still do it under The Right To Choose, questions are just springing up.

    Thank You!

  • Hello FloweringBelle,

    It may be in your interest to look at Ella Tabb's story of being diagnosed with both autism and ADHD as an adult. There are 2 videos to watch at the end of the article. You can find more resources by typing ADHD in the NAS website search box.

    All the best,

    Karin Mod

  • Hello Mr T, I love the idea of being in the "latelings club" lol. I wasn't thinking about the med perspective. However, since posting, my hubby's said "Of course there's a benefit. If it were me, I'd need to know". 

  • Hello A(formerly Amerantin), I hope we both get the answer we need. All the best

  • I’d be interested to hear responses to this too. I am diagnosed ASD but was also told it’s very likely I have ADD.

    From what I can see ADHD meds have the potential to massively improve my ability to focus and organise at work, but I was also told that the NHS may not accept a private diagnosis and therefore might not provide the meds without an NHS diagnosis, and the waiting list is now huge.

    As a pensioner do you think you would still have the same need for improved focus and ability to initiate tasks?

  • Hi and welcome to the latelings club.

    I can only think that by having an ADHD diagnosis would get you the correct meds.

    I have no experience of it as I was only diagnosed with ASD(C)