marriage ending following diagnosis

I have seen another couple of posts about marriages / relationships and neurodiversity and wanted to share my experience and perhaps gain some understanding or advice.

I have been married to my husband for over 18 years, together for almost 20 years.  It's not been a smooth marriage and there have been times when we have spoken about splitting up both before and after we had children.  We have also been in coupled counselling and had therapy separately over the years.  We always had similar values in that we would work through any issues and try and become stronger in our relationship.  

We have 2 children close in age and parenting has always been challenging.  I've always looked into ways of improving things as I hated the arguments, shouting, feeling like we were in a war zone.  A few years ago I started suspecting one of my children were autistic, later we started having many more issues with my other child.  Almost 2 years ago they were both assessed privately and one was diagnosed with ADHD, the other autistic.  This led to my husband having an assessment, he was sure it would result in an ADHD diagnosis and was surprised with the diagnosis of autism.  

Although I'm glad we now have all this information and have worked hard to find out more and improve things at home, for me it was a revelation and meant I was able to see things for what they were both as a mother and wife.  For years I think I blamed myself or made so much effort and finally, I had the realisation that it wasn't all my fault and also that my needs were  not being met.  

It has been a difficult year and although my husband is a wonderful person in so many ways and has always tried so hard, I think we both have to admit that in terms of us being able to have intimacy in our relationship, emotional and physical, he just isn't able to reciprocate or make me feel loved.  Perhaps in the past we weren't sure why there was this discord or I would feel unfulfilled or get depressed, we understand the balance of the relationship more.  He knows that things don't come naturally for him and if he does them it feels forced, even saying he loves me or giving me a hug.

Sad as it is, I think I know we have reached the end of the road despite trying everything we can.  I do feel guilt and I do worry about how this will affect him and our children, but I don't feel like I can keep up a false pretence any longer.  We may have reached this point even without the diagnosis, but maybe there would be a lot more blame and much less understanding.

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