Minimum Unit Pricing (Scotland)

Is it another tax on the poor? Or is it genuinely going to save lives? I am not sure. But the latest price hike on alcohol in Scotland comes at a time when many of us are struggling enough already as it is and this latest price hike of more than 30% for alcohol will not land favourably amongst many Scottish recreational alcohol users. Now following the price hike a standard bottle of gin will now cost £30 give or take. That is a small fortune for a bottle of gin. If we work it all out to get tipsy on the cheapest beer in a Scottish convenience store will now cost roughly £8. Nah that’s too expensive at least for me. Just to get tipsy not even drunk? Nah don’t think so. Because of Minimum unit pricing a pint from a bar in Scotland already costs roughly £5 that can now be expected to go up to £7. Is this a joke? Who can afford to pay £7 for a pint of beer? I mean it works okay for me because I was already looking for reasons to give up alcohol and now I think I have it. No way can I afford to drink after this 30% increase. No way! If the Scottish government wants to reduce people drinking this will surely work because this new law is going to make it really hard to get drunk on a budget. It seems a bit unfair to punish people who like to drink but at the same time I am aware that we have a massive issue with alcohol here in Scotland and the government has to do something to stop people destroying themselves. But what do you all think about this new price hike? Do you agree with it? Is it another tax on the poor to stop them enjoying themselves? Or is it a genuine heartfelt approach to stopping alcohol related harm?

  • Who can afford to pay £7 for a pint of beer?

    Londoners apparently. It’s a mad place.

    personally I favour the idea of an alcohol license. Make drinking a privilege not a right. Then if people end up in A&E on a Saturday night because they’ve drunk too much, or worse in a police cell for drunk and disorderly, or get pulled over for drunk driving and go over the limit. Then take their license away and no more alcohol for them.

  • Who can afford to pay £7 for a pint of beer?

    Londoners apparently. It’s a mad place.

    personally I favour the idea of an alcohol license. Make drinking a privilege not a right. Then if people end up in A&E on a Saturday night because they’ve drunk too much, or worse in a police cell for drunk and disorderly, or get pulled over for drunk driving and go over the limit. Then take their license away and no more alcohol for them.

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