Help With Being In Bother

I have been told that our community gets disproportionately more hassle than the non neuro diverse.

Do you agree?

Does anyone have any advice for-

1- Achieving a boring life without hassle from council and police?

2- Any advice on how to deal with above when they are acting with discrimination ?

  • When I was 18 years old working as a machinist, a fellow machinist asked me if I smoked pot..

    Soon after that conversation, I found myself to be the owner £1.50 worth of a green fragrant resin, which I found after trying a bit that unlike alcohol, I could understand why people might actually enjoy this drug. 

    The IMMEDIATE life change I noticed was that my dad stopped hitting me. In fact the aggravation and conflict which had been a major feature of my life suddenly became a minor feature of my life. In the years that were to follow I put this hypothesis to the test, (after all, who wants to be a drug addict?) and did my best to properly understand what the drug was doing to me.

    Another twenty plus years was to pass, where I found myself dealing with an invidious choice. Either accept all the shortcomings and issues that cannabis use entails, including potentially acquiring the status of "Criminal", OR enjoy a life of unmitigated aggravaton, and to be frank, excessive physical danger.  (Not just the fighing stopped, I also seemed to stop having "motorcycle acccidents"...) 

    Then I found out about ADHD (Having passed it on to my child who was formally diagnosed, when I was in my early 40's) 

    Suddenly, the penny driopped... 

    Cannabis really DOES squash the ADHD tendancy to impulsivity, unlike alcohol which seems to magnify it.

    Pot will however, do all sorts of other things to it's user including making you "think too much" and be "lazy" and provides as many problems as it does solutions, but for me it's been a MAJOR contributor to achieving item 1 on your list.

    There is a quasi legal route to using the stuff now, a scheme called cancard, and I believe cannabis can now be bought from non-illegal sources, a place by the name of sapphire clinic springs to mind.

    I've not yet made that leap into the unknown, preferring to support my current supplier who has a young family and a superb attitude towards hard work, & life in general. He does a certain amount of "medical" or "edible" products, supplied to those in need FOC. which is most unusual for the illegal supplier, of course, but as in any business, there are a minority of people who suceed though just being good at what they do, and ethical in their dealings with their customers. 

  • When I was 18 years old working as a machinist, a fellow machinist asked me if I smoked pot..

    Soon after that conversation, I found myself to be the owner £1.50 worth of a green fragrant resin, which I found after trying a bit that unlike alcohol, I could understand why people might actually enjoy this drug. 

    The IMMEDIATE life change I noticed was that my dad stopped hitting me. In fact the aggravation and conflict which had been a major feature of my life suddenly became a minor feature of my life. In the years that were to follow I put this hypothesis to the test, (after all, who wants to be a drug addict?) and did my best to properly understand what the drug was doing to me.

    Another twenty plus years was to pass, where I found myself dealing with an invidious choice. Either accept all the shortcomings and issues that cannabis use entails, including potentially acquiring the status of "Criminal", OR enjoy a life of unmitigated aggravaton, and to be frank, excessive physical danger.  (Not just the fighing stopped, I also seemed to stop having "motorcycle acccidents"...) 

    Then I found out about ADHD (Having passed it on to my child who was formally diagnosed, when I was in my early 40's) 

    Suddenly, the penny driopped... 

    Cannabis really DOES squash the ADHD tendancy to impulsivity, unlike alcohol which seems to magnify it.

    Pot will however, do all sorts of other things to it's user including making you "think too much" and be "lazy" and provides as many problems as it does solutions, but for me it's been a MAJOR contributor to achieving item 1 on your list.

    There is a quasi legal route to using the stuff now, a scheme called cancard, and I believe cannabis can now be bought from non-illegal sources, a place by the name of sapphire clinic springs to mind.

    I've not yet made that leap into the unknown, preferring to support my current supplier who has a young family and a superb attitude towards hard work, & life in general. He does a certain amount of "medical" or "edible" products, supplied to those in need FOC. which is most unusual for the illegal supplier, of course, but as in any business, there are a minority of people who suceed though just being good at what they do, and ethical in their dealings with their customers. 
