Philosophy (not for the light hearted)

You know I have been thinking. I think humankind has advanced and developed a lot specifically over the last 100 years. For example we no longer kill criminals anymore or castrate them. Isn’t this great though that we don’t do these things to each other anymore? I thoroughly believe that humankind will advance and develop (with the help of technology) to the point where we can accurately determine the cause of autism, how it comes about, where it came from, its mechanism of action and so much more. I mean autism awareness has spread and expanded so much to the point where we’re not even telling people to be aware of it anymore. Instead now we’re telling people to accept and support it. This is a massive leap from the days when autistic people would just float through life like a plastic bag never achieving much always being known as the quiet and shy person at the back of the room. Although we go on about how harsh the world is, we really ought to thank our fellow humans for their hard work in supporting us to reach this point. If neurotypical people and autistic people work together, we can together make dreams a reality for the next generation to come into the world. The world can be a better place, just look how life has improved for autistic people over the last 40 years. All of us late diagnosed autistic people should really be giving ourselves a pat on the back for the hard work and dedication to the cause! It never stops! Use your anger and frustration and turn it into dedication to make life for the next generation of autistic people as care free and enjoyable as possible!