I don't belong here

How do you cope in a world where you don't belong because how your brain works isolates you from a normal life and people? A brain that makes every day so much harder just to do standard activities, even simple but fundamental things like maintaining a conversation? It's such a lonely, heart-breaking life. Every day, surrounded by people who have got on with their lives... have friends, found a partner, living together, bought a house, got married, had kids, go on holidays... I have none of that. My brain is such a barrier to everything. And there's no cure.

  • I don't have an answer for your very good question.

    I don't belong here either and, in addition, I'm a weirdo.

    I like your chosen name: I'm DAD - Different and defective.

  • I don't have an answer for your very good question.

    I don't belong here either and, in addition, I'm a weirdo.

    I like your chosen name: I'm DAD - Different and defective.

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