What to do whilst the forum isn't available or at any time: suggestions box

'For these reasons the online community may not be available on the 26th of September for a short amount of time due to these reasons.'


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  • This is a brilliant answer.

    And why have I not heard of dinotracker.com before! (a rhetorical question.) What a site!

  • "In physics, sound is a vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid. In human physiology and psychology, sound is the reception of such waves and their perception by the brain." (Sound - Wikipedia)

    I think if its the physics def then the awnser is 'yes'. I thought yes when I first read it and it seemed pretty obvious so I read various articles on sound to know why this is even a question... (spent an hour doing that instead of doing homework.. then another hour on dinotracker.com - anyway)

    It's probably using the psychology one. But I don't like that definition..

    If I changed the question to: If a deaf person is in a forest and a tree falls, did the tree make sound? - *I* would say that there is still sound (sound happens all the time even if they don't hear it). I don't think anybody claims a deaf persons world is soundless, they just don't process the sounds. 

    It's also nearly impossible to clear a forest of all hearing creatures.

    And there are sounds that some animals hear that humans cannot. Those sounds still exist though.

    I cant think of any reason why it wouldn't make sound (maybe unless the forest is somehow a vacuum).

    Also, if I set up a camera in the forest before the tree fell, it would record sound (to be played later/heard later). A camera does not have any ears or brains 

    The psych definition should be the definition of processing sound not sound itself (imo)

    [I don't know any of this for fact...just my thoughts]

  • What definition of sound are you using? The physics one or the psychology one?

    Ugh? Thinking