I discovered that I don't have something to live for..

When people talk about emotions, I express my opinion logically, but they respond by saying I'm an exception, that I'm different. I’ve realized that while everyone seems to have something to live for, I don’t. My mother only urges me to work, but I don’t have the money to enjoy life. I wake up just to work, and sleep only to wake up for work again. I don’t love anyone; I feel completely empty..

How can i fix it? 

  • You may lack a special interest. Do you have any spare time? If so, go explore and see what your drawn to. You are alive so you do have something to live for - go find it, it's out there waiting for you, your Shangrila. If you have not got free time, find some.

  • You may lack a special interest. Do you have any spare time? If so, go explore and see what your drawn to. You are alive so you do have something to live for - go find it, it's out there waiting for you, your Shangrila. If you have not got free time, find some.

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