Do you miss a good discussion?

I do, people seem so afraid of causing offence that they don't seem to say anything, others are a sense of offence looking for somewhere to happen. It seems that any sort of challenge however mild is a no no, even when someone asks for clarification of a point it seems that someone will take offence on sombody elses defence.

I really enjoyed Pixiefox's AI thread, but so few people seem willing or able to engage with the issues or even ask questions, why is this?

I'd love there to be threads that are lively and topics are discussed robustly, you don't have to be rude when challenging someone's viewpoint, just be firm and say something like, 'I feel that...'

I've just finished a book on the origins of the Anglo-Saxons, it goes into linguistics, DNA, archaeology as well as the documented history, I know its a bit specialist but it would be really good to feel that it's something I could share with others.

  • Migration and cultural interaction and integration are fascinating. The tribalism of our early history, various invaders that ultimately broaden and enriched the culture (once the violence subsided). "What did the Romans do for us?" Etc.

    I'm from northern England but my surname is derived from a place in Ireland and my earliest known ancestors were from south western Scotland. So am I a Celt or did the vikings affect my origin. 

    The whole bigoted cries of we are Anglo-Saxon, this is our country.Weren't they from what is now Germany, Denmark & Netherlands if my very basic history knowledge is remember correctly. (Certainly not guaranteed)

  • Migration and cultural interaction and integration are fascinating. The tribalism of our early history, various invaders that ultimately broaden and enriched the culture (once the violence subsided). "What did the Romans do for us?" Etc.

    I'm from northern England but my surname is derived from a place in Ireland and my earliest known ancestors were from south western Scotland. So am I a Celt or did the vikings affect my origin. 

    The whole bigoted cries of we are Anglo-Saxon, this is our country.Weren't they from what is now Germany, Denmark & Netherlands if my very basic history knowledge is remember correctly. (Certainly not guaranteed)

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