Workplace adjustments

I'm newly diagnosed at 34 and have been asked by my manager what adjustments would make things easier for me.

I have no idea because I haven't had anything before, what are some workplace adjustments that have helped you?

  • I'm currently trying to get into teaching. Something I've wanted to be all my life really. Love being with children. Got told to take time of due to 'concerns over my wellbeing' as soon as the course started and am currently in limbo awaiting tests - occupational health, psychiatric reports, GP reports - before/if they let me continue. Not even allowed to study or socialise until the reports. Really being treated like a leper and I'm still struggling with the unfairness of it all. 

    So if I can continue with my training and these 'adjustments' or 'accommodations' are put in place, I have no idea what they will be because I haven't been told anything. It's like people are delighting in withholding as much information as they can from me at the moment. But I so want to be a teacher and I know I'll be a good one, so I've got little choice but to go along with it all. The whole charade, as it is. I'll just make myself out to be as 'normal' as possible, focus on the whole 'it's due to a miscommunication' thing and mask as much as I can - risk of burnout or otherwise. Nothing I'm not unused to all my life. Little faith that anything can change for the better really. 

    Saddened to read of teachers who have been struggling and forced out after so many years' service but sadly not surprising as autistics remain misunderstood. Pensive

  • I'm currently trying to get into teaching. Something I've wanted to be all my life really. Love being with children. Got told to take time of due to 'concerns over my wellbeing' as soon as the course started and am currently in limbo awaiting tests - occupational health, psychiatric reports, GP reports - before/if they let me continue. Not even allowed to study or socialise until the reports. Really being treated like a leper and I'm still struggling with the unfairness of it all. 

    So if I can continue with my training and these 'adjustments' or 'accommodations' are put in place, I have no idea what they will be because I haven't been told anything. It's like people are delighting in withholding as much information as they can from me at the moment. But I so want to be a teacher and I know I'll be a good one, so I've got little choice but to go along with it all. The whole charade, as it is. I'll just make myself out to be as 'normal' as possible, focus on the whole 'it's due to a miscommunication' thing and mask as much as I can - risk of burnout or otherwise. Nothing I'm not unused to all my life. Little faith that anything can change for the better really. 

    Saddened to read of teachers who have been struggling and forced out after so many years' service but sadly not surprising as autistics remain misunderstood. Pensive

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