Diagnostic Assessment

Hi all, I have my autism diagnositic assessment next month and it is causing me alot of apprehension and anxiety.

I am 32 female and like many will be late diagnosed, I have a lot of bad experiences with metal health professionals where I have frequently been misdiagnosed or not listened too, or simply told medication will fix it all.

I am due to previous experiences worried I will again have a bad experience not receive a diagnosis and essentially feel like I fail at life due to all the struggles I have being autistic. 

Did anyone else in a similar situation have the same concerns? How was your experience? 

I am also aware the assessment can be quite draining so any advice on what to expect would be great

Thank you 

  • Hello!

    We are almost in the same spot and it gives me anxiety from hell. Been going to a psychiatric hospital for over 20 years. I did my research and called them, i already have a adhd diagnosis but they always put me on bad meds that made me feel like not wanting to live anymore.

    I met a good doctor for once! And she said okey... I will be autistic WITH YOU even if i am not. You are clearly autistic and i dont understand why any other doctor seen it.

    The anxiety for me comes from not knowing the result and honestly i dont trust hospitals anymore.

    The doctor makes me feel comfortable, the hospital dosent.

    I dont know how it feels for you?

    Do you trust your doctor or is it possible to find one that you do feel comfortable with you?

    Trying to help, i dont know if i am but i believe it will be worth the process i. The end. I am 34 right now and i dont feel like i have aged a year in my body but my mind geez.

    ( i lost track got interrupted sorry )

    Let me know if you need to text or something.

    • Keep your chin up you got this

  • Hello!

    We are almost in the same spot and it gives me anxiety from hell. Been going to a psychiatric hospital for over 20 years. I did my research and called them, i already have a adhd diagnosis but they always put me on bad meds that made me feel like not wanting to live anymore.

    I met a good doctor for once! And she said okey... I will be autistic WITH YOU even if i am not. You are clearly autistic and i dont understand why any other doctor seen it.

    The anxiety for me comes from not knowing the result and honestly i dont trust hospitals anymore.

    The doctor makes me feel comfortable, the hospital dosent.

    I dont know how it feels for you?

    Do you trust your doctor or is it possible to find one that you do feel comfortable with you?

    Trying to help, i dont know if i am but i believe it will be worth the process i. The end. I am 34 right now and i dont feel like i have aged a year in my body but my mind geez.

    ( i lost track got interrupted sorry )

    Let me know if you need to text or something.

    • Keep your chin up you got this

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